
If her opponents can’t avoid her most predictable move, do they deserve to win?

Jesus Christ! I mean that in the best possible way.

That is the thing though...

depends on how you pirated it. it works on an OEM copy of 7 that was installed with windows loader.

I don’t know why I read your comments in a South African accent..

THAT’S what I’m talking about; I’ve always wanted a wuff!

Classic relevant video game post to be shared on Kotaku

Russian military displays don’t exactly put spectator safety at the top of the list.

well isn’t nvidia’s slogan “the way it’s meant to be played”? Your fault for not playing the way it should be played

Yeah Arkham Knight is great on PC!!! *crickets*

I read a really funny comment once (unfortunately, I do not remember the name of the commenter) who claimed that he was Jewish and uncomfortable with the term “PC Master Race” and thought we should instead use the term “the Chosen Gamers.”

That’s a bullshot on the right. Everyone knows the PS4 and Xbox One can’t render ropes and vines.

Don’t be a douche. Tyler is one of the few journalist/Gawker blogger that get’s anything right in defense related news. He and I have argued a few times because I disagreed with his analysis. It’s nice to hear from someone who is doing their best to be neutral instead of “This is how I feel and you’re a dummy if you

Surely you’ve heard the mantra of the left, that Bush “lied about the WMD,” and “it was a massive failure - there were no WMD.”

He is a republican and good things are not allowed to be posted about them on Gawker sites.

Please adjust your tinfoil hat, it appears to have fallen off.

Exactly! He knew the attacks were coming because Republicans were flying the alien spacecraft that brought the towers down, right?

Ali Hasan al-Majid was hanged fro his part in the murder with poison gas (ahem, a WMD) of thousands of Kurds. Now the new myth is they never existed I guess.