
It is depressing to me that my dad, who is from Latvia, fled from the Russians as a small boy, came here, watched the Baltics regain their freedom, and now in his declining years has to witness these Russian fucks once again menacing his homeland. And I think we all know that the US ain’t going to war over Latvia...

NATO, fuck yeah!

Overwatch is prettier but I do not have high hopes for a game that underneath all the fancy visuals is just a different take on TF2.

Never underestimate the power of user generated content. Something Blizzard has no interest in accommodating.

Remember how pretty and much better Evolve seemed compared to Left 4 Dead when

I would do her, even moreso.

And all of those things will get you killed under Islamic law.

umm...no. The British rule of law and US society has functioned quite efficiently under Judeo-Christian ethics for hundreds of years, blessing those who embraced it with untold wealth and freedom. Thus, your premise is ruled incorrect.

For obvious reasons; they are motivated by an ideology wholly hostile to our civilization.

You’re looking for Gawker.com with comments like that.


I concur.

Do her what?! You trailed off damnit.

Whoa whoa lets not get hasty here.. she is holding BagBier.. it makes Budlight look the holy grail of beers. you might want to step away man.... dont go that low.

and i would still do her....

Good god, woman! No, it looks like ScarJo if ScarJo gained 50 pounds after touring with the Spice Girls.

You just don’t see it so much in the US. Most big bases that are home to maneuver units have a rail head on post. Heavy equipment is put on a train that then offloads directly at the port (or the other base etc). The other factor is that many units will “fall in” on equipment that is already at their destination,

Yeah.. i dont even need to see the trailer/announcement/ gameplay...

More like, “No rust, no way is it real. Filthy American tricks.”

Wait...what’s that? On the tail! ENHANCE:

I’m sure there’s a local MSNBC affiliate.