yeah Ft irwin blows and it made me hate mechanized. ft irwin is the satans asshole.
yeah Ft irwin blows and it made me hate mechanized. ft irwin is the satans asshole.
i would have picked old guard instead of ft irwin if i had the choice!
my squad leader was in that unit, he even had that fancy badge.
only primitive pre -warp cultures would think of such a thing!
gotta love the Mjolnir redesign from Halo 4, looks so much more badass.
that ground guide needs to get fired!
yep. like seriously gawker posts some of the dumbest content on the internet.
and i’m still gonna use steam.
sorry man i don’t swing that way, but you can keep fantasizing about it.
nice collection man! i love ALICE packs, they are so much better than ACU ruck sacks.
so by your logic everyone who disagrees with liberals = neo-nazi?
why thank you my liberal friend! do you need some anal ointment for that butthurt?
maybe it was cheaper and probably because they dont need full auto/burst weapons.
haha on the gawker theres so many butthurt liberals commenting, its just too funny!
Hell yeah! Good job Texas!
Halo Reach and Halo Wars are the best Halo games.
i don’t know who’s more worthless, obama or carter. one thing for sure is that obama got way better PR.
ahhh PCMR circle jerk, never have i seen so many butthurt idiots in one place.
the movie lol
that’s what you get, you PCMR circle jerk fucks!