
Honestly, I've really enjoyed the two new fall shows. It just sucks that they both have gotten awful viewership ratings and will most likely get cancelled. Then again if that helps give stuff like Crazy Ex-Girlfriend and iZombie another season, it'll be a fair sacrifice.

The change in CW has been pretty crazy. Supernatural used to be the only CW show I would watch just a few years ago, and now I think I'm watching almost all of their shows.

Haha, more like I am definitely going to be watching this

Guess this is another CW show I'll probably be watching.

That's exactly what I was originally trying to reference! I just couldn't remember the exact wording, haha.

They probably blew their budget for the next few episodes on that monster. Going to have to use cardboard cutouts for some of the characters in the upcoming weeks.

The chemistry between this cast is amazing. I'd be OK just watching them interact every week. Also really enjoying DEO Winn. Hopefully they continue to develop his friendship with Mon-El.

I like to imagine that the team misses Snart as much as we do, so they use the clips to pretend like he's still around. Have him rob a bank once in a while or maybe get some coffee with them.

Great episode! It had a real season 1 feel to it (Especially the team dynamic, they were having so much fun together). I'm really missing Wentworth Miller though. I hope he's returning soon, because we've definitely had a lack of Cold on the Flash for a while.

Getting to see Snart this episode made me realize how much I miss him from these shows. I just want my Captain Cold back

If it turns out to be Cisco, I think Barry should immediately start suspecting the people closest to him when a major villain pops into town.

Jay was great this episode! I'm glad he's taking the role of a mentor speedster who for once won't be evil (I hope). Barry really needs someone like that at this point. Looking forward to Dr. Alchemy as well. Kinda excited for our first non-speedster main villain.

I've been watching the early seasons of Supernatural over the past month and the monster of the week eps have been fantastic. I'm nearly done with season 2 right now and I don't think I've skipped a single ep this season. Each episode has been so captivating with an interesting story and characters you really care

Is this a good enough special occasion to smoke?

You mean the guy with curly hair? He's been known to fuck himself

Let's make Spiderman great again

That's true. Considering Patty Jenkins is directing that, we might still have hope for all the Non-Snyder directed movies in this universe.

It's just so damn stupid when you see they went for Snyder rather than all the talent they do have from their actual comics and the DCAU. WB even had the example of Marvel using Kevin Feige and how successful that move has ended up being.

I wish they'd hired Bruce Timm or Paul Dini to plan out this universe rather than Zack Snyder. Have NO idea what WB were thinking when they got him.

Affleck was probably the only decent part of BvS and he's a pretty good director as well. Might actually look forward to this as long as they keep Zack Snyder as far away as possible.