The 20 JRPGs You Must Play

There comes a time when every person must sit back, think about their life’s accomplishments, and wonder, “What

"Despite his persistent presence as one of Nintendo's iconic disgustingly cute characters, Kirby hasn't had a good, solid game of his own in a while"

It makes me feel like a kid again. It's because of game's like King's Quest that I fell in love with gaming. I'm excited!

Are you sure it's not a...Metroid station?

Here, Here!

More games like Ni No Kuni! I want color and fun in my games! Not brown everything first person shooters.

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Track: Untitled #8, aka Popplagið, aka "The Pop Song" | Artist: Sigur Rós | Album: ( )

Lets put everyone from Portland, Oregon under quarantine because someone from Portland, Maine coughed.