It takes guts to stand up for such hatred in your country. I don't fault this young woman at all for not having such courage and strength, if indeed that is the case. I'm not sure that I would, were I to be in her shoes.
It takes guts to stand up for such hatred in your country. I don't fault this young woman at all for not having such courage and strength, if indeed that is the case. I'm not sure that I would, were I to be in her shoes.
Miss Israel is clearly the one holding the camera in the original picture, so Miss Lebanon's "she tooootally wanted pics with me but I shut her down!!!" excuse is not really working. Also, rude.
It's like the comment threads for this article are part of an incredibly convoluted soap opera, with everyone discovering long-lost siblings and shared parents. ;) I find all the similarities to my own family history both disconcerting and cathartic, too.
Don't forget the Silent Generation, to which most civil rights leaders belonged (along with a few from the Greatest Generation). In fact, those generations are responsible for most of the actual social change that happened in the mid-20th century.
I'm sorry, but if you could vote before 1980 and you're not part of any generation previous to the Baby Boomers, you're a Boomer. That's how I usually form the cutoff, because the Reagan landslide was their headline achievement. Carter and Reagan essentially split 18-29 year olds down the middle, which would be…
most gen xers are not in debt, try again
"Millenials strike me as a bit baffled and angry about not getting the world they thought they were promised."
The younger generation is a threat. Those in Gen X who can't climb high enough in the management ladder will have (eventually) a Millenial as their boss, and they will be fired because they are old, out of touch, andtoo expensive for their skill set. Gen X bosses of Boomer experts are doing the same thing right now,…
I know. Those of us Millennial/Gen Y people born in the 80s have a wildly different cultural upbringing (at least broadly, individual experiences may differ) than our younger siblings.
If one more person calls me entitled, I'm sending them my high school and college transcripts, my student loan bill and my W2. Because really, how fucking dare we feel entitled to a living wage when you told us our whole lives if we did what we were told we'd have so much more.
That's more the kids who aren't old enough to remember 9/11 and are post-millennial than it is millennials. Us millennials (especially those of us born in the 80s) aren't too different from you Xers.
I don't know. I'm pretty impressed with how mobilized people have been the past couple of years, with Occupy and against police brutality. I think the kids deserve a lot of credit for that. Think about it- most of us just smoked dope and complained through the Bush Sr. years. I know I did. I was literally the…
I feel incredibly bad for Millenials, as a Gen Xer. We saw and experience first fucked up wave of bullshit that you guys are going through- student loans, pensions and benefits that were either snatched away or not offered, debt as a way of life...meanwhile Boomers kept on voting those people who could satisfy their…
As someone who sometimes gets classed as Boomer, but am actually early Gen X—yep, this is the critical difference. As the Boomers passed 30, they made a lot of noise about the inferiority of us youngsters. We lacked the *idealism*, the *wonderfulness* of true Boomers. Oh, and things were in the…
I'm on the tail-end of Gen X, and spent my whole childhood hearing that we could be anything, do anything, we wanted to. Then we grow up and it isn't true, and in fact, there was barely anything we could do because of lack of opportunities, and we hear about how terrible we are because we're so lazy and none of us…
Assholes all love demanding concrete examples of how they're assholes.
Agree! My mom is definitely a "you and your sibling are my wooooorld!!!" type of parent and like to ask just how much we're going to take care of her in her old age. This is particularly stressful to me since my mother and I have very different personalities and while I love her, I cannot stand to be around her very…
Literally my whole life was feeling responsible for my parent's feelings. It's horrible and it's only in the past year that I've been able to actually disengage from it, but it's guilt like no other.
"A common story among parents who have estranged adult children is how much they had focused on their children, how much they did to make sure their children had all the best advantages, made them the center of the family universe — and often how they treated them more like an equal or an adult than a child. "