
Brad’s side, as fed to People, looks really bad. Admits he was drunk on the plane, arguing with Angelina. One of the older boys gets between them and they go nose to nose. Admitted parent-child argument wasn’t handled properly: Brad didn’t hit the kid in the face, but did put hands on him. But no one was harmed.

At first I thought “The Dentonite” was Nick Denton’s new rag and got unreasonably excited.

Now playing

Should’ve mentioned that they did collaborate again in 2012 for this snoozer:

Bobby, you also need to change “Robert” to “Richmond.” Richmond is Alexis’ brother who shared the news of her death. Robert was Alexis’ birth name.

“It’s sadly common...” You are being patronizing and disrespectful right now. Alexis’s family did NOT “misgender” him. They were supportive of hist transitions, which were multiple, and his evolving pronoun preferences. Ironically, it is you who are erasing their support and love in order to make his narrative fit

I’m glad Beloved Character Actress Margo Martindale ventured onto dry land to collect the award she so greatly deserves.

it does...i guess. but the RULES DONT MAKE SENSE. hide and seek should be literally hide and then wait til someone finds you.

Sure. And?

They won’t give us a referendum so we can vote to make it legal, and the politicians in power are generally middle aged and Catholic-raised and very wary of pissing off the very Catholic older voters. They don’t credit the younger voters because so many young Irish people emigrate (or just don’t vote, ALWAYS VOTE,

Her name was Savita Halappanavar.

My thoughts 100%. Video looks cool, with the sound off.

It’s a cute song. I wouldn’t turn off the radio but I’m not running out to buy it either.

How could you miss out Lin and the Rock singing ‘Gaston’ with expert posing by the Rock. For shame Evans!

Lin-Manuel Miranda and The Rock singing ‘Gaston’ is the perfection intersection of things I enjoy and would like more of...

couldn’t resist.

For all the people who need an explanation on why “All lives matter” is racist: It is a direct refutation of the Black Lives Matter protest movement, which is not claiming black supremacy, but instead an implicit acknowledgment that black lives (also) matter.

This is a horrible thing to say and you should be ashamed of yourself. You’re contributing to the stigma around mental health disorders in general and BPD specifically, and you’re dehumanizing the human beings who suffer from the latter. In fact, BPD is manageable, and especially in recent years, treatment and

NO. That is profoundly offensive. I know many people with BPD, most of them are a danger to no one but themselves. If you buy into and spread the stigma - you are part of the problem.

I thought she got her good hair by being southeast Asian? Her daddy is Indian and her mom is Dutch.