I for one welcome Jezebel’s insufferably cute new overlord.
Are we sure that someone didn’t paint spots on a chihuahua? That reminds me of a rather playful chihuahua puppy.
It’s worth pointing out, that in the Book, the boy was the computer genius, and they switched the roles around for the movie.
some of their jokes are actually quite racist.
Oh my god, another Jezebel post praising the Galloway Gals? We get it, they were very influential in the feminist/dinosaur film landscape, let’s talk about something different for once. Jeez!
somewhere in the corner of the internet where they celebrate white history month, i imagine
I don’t know. There are a lot of women in that show. I feel I don’t see enough of the hot one and the awesome one.
“birth face adjacent” is an awesome shade filled but PC way to discuss plastic surgery. Love it! LAAD (that’s an acronym I just made up for Laughing Alone At Desk)
Laura Prepon is seriously fucking gorgeous though.
(yes I know she’s a scientologist. no, I don’t care.)
Essence wore it better.
You killed me with “birth face adjacent.”
honestly more confusing than the great kendall/kylie mix up of this morning
maddie, write an unauthorized biography. i would read the shit out of it.