
I don’t know who youtube’s Ingrid Nelson is but it’s unfortunate she shares a name with an Always Sunny In Philadelphia character.

Boy George outed Gavin Rossdale in his autobiography and didn’t get sued so fairly juicy. The real question is did Glee get her to sign some kind of NDA and if they didn’t is she happy to burn those bridges.

Let’s be fair to Naya she’s way more birth face adjacent than Kim is even if she is totally biting her style.

I am here for woefully indiscreet revelations from Naya. I’m sure she has good stories, if I were Lea Michele I would be quaking in my boots.

Anyone got any good nicknames for Chet? I’m on Igg-he Rapfailure or Forrest Chump but I think there’s better.

Oops! The internet is forever Joyce.

I don’t watch the Kardashians’ TV show but I don’t understand why people hate on Kylie Jenner she looks like a teeny tiny baby to me. Of course she’ll say dumb things she’s a teen raised by Kris Jenner she has very little education to speak of.

We have always been at war with eastasia and Taylor Swift.

Shots fired!

Congrats to Bones and Rickety Cricket!

I like the ringing endorsement of it makes your skin feel tighter than when you just deprive yourself of food. I get that Beyonce is under a lot of pressure image wise but I wish she wouldn’t tell us how she does it, I’m worried too much discussion of nutrition encourages unhealthy food behaviours in susceptible

easyJet Kate? Really? Pay for a better airline and maybe they can afford less “basic bitches” to serve you.

I am buying a house as a home, not an investment so I don’t see how your parents advice applies to me. I don’t care if it increases or decreases in value, not having to pay rent or a mortgage will enhance my financial security and make me better able to weather things like being laid off etc if and when they should

Salma is so gorgeous, I once bought a bra because it looked vaguely like what she wears in From Dusk Till Dawn and I wanted to feel as sexy as her. She always looks so amazing which I guess is one of the benefits of being married to an owner of many famous fashion brands.

Now playing

I know it’s not as impactful as Beyonce’s VMA performance but I thought Christina Aguilera releasing this single was fairly significant as it’s directly about double standards.

My version of financial stability is owning my own home mortgage free and that should happen in the next year. I have seen people in not great financial positions have children and the stress it causes and that’s not what I would want for my own family.

I always thought that we were supposed to notice how shallow and pathetic the dudes in Entourage were and pity them but it seems I was watching it wrong.

I’m not looking to have millions just to be in what I consider to be an appropriately stable financial position. To have a kid before 30 for me would involve a time machine at this point. I get that there is no perfect time but waiting has made sense for me as I’m sure it makes sense for other people.

He was born in Clondalkin but he grew up in Bandon there’s a walkway named in his honour, his show is British so I’d give them a pass on this one.

Honestly one of the reasons I don’t have kids is that I’d want to be in a financial position to buy the fancy baby stuff first, there are far worse ways to spend your money, if you can afford it why not?