Jenna Coleman would be an even more popular princess than Kate, make it happen Harry!
Jenna Coleman would be an even more popular princess than Kate, make it happen Harry!
Wild animals that interact with people like that always make me a little sad, when I was a kid I went on a behind the scenes tour at a wildlife park and there was a cheetah who ran up to the back fence when he saw us and rubbed himself up against it like a house cat. The keeper explained he’d spent too much time with…
It’s not that crazy that the royal family would participate in a TV show.
The I Am Cait title of her new show keeps tricking my brain because it wants to pronounce that as Cáit rather than Kate.
After the Seth Myers having Jon Snow over for dinner sketch and the Game of Thrones musical bit I’ve been wanting to see Kit Harington in something comedic, this looks fun.
Oh I know, I just like the idea that actors are like their characters in real life and I wanted an excuse to use the gif.
We’re not all doctors who can ascertain the survivability of a bunch of stab wounds!
I had completely forgotten why I don’t usually do skirts until I saw all the comments here and remembered the amount of shitty comments I used to get. Thanks for the encouragement, it’s strange on non clothes things I’m very I am who I am take me or leave me but I still have the remainder of my child self wanting…
I asked for advice about what to wear over on milihelen the other day (thanks everyone who answered) and there was lots of suggestions of dresses and skirts which I don’t really wear and this whole comment section is why. No matter what I weigh my limbs are always super thin like they should belong to someone thinner…
I was bullied in school for my tiny calves and they looked similar to hers, it’s taken me a lot of work to get them to look more calf like some people just have small limbs.
I would have thought a look at her youngest daughter’s lips would have told her what she needed to know about the pressure women are under about their appearance but some things you just have to experience I guess.
I know it did raise awareness of ALS, it’s the exception to me to most awareness campaigns that have no clear goals or message. I’m surprised so many people hadn’t heard of ALS, I knew of it and its 2 other names (Motor Neurone Disease, Lou Gehrig’s Disease) without knowing anyone affected by it.
She’s not like Beyonce who could choose to disappear for a while, appearing and being seen is literally her whole career. It’s possible for a celebrity to fake a pregnancy but not Kim.
The Ice Bucket Challenge was tied to donating to charity, this is just using breast cancer as an excuse to fish for pictures of tits. I sincerely doubt this campaign will reach anyone who wasn’t already aware about breast cancer.
I don’t think Kim Kardashian is capable of faking a pregnancy, she’s going to be everywhere getting her photo taken and she’s going to be clearly hugely pregnant because she’s so short, I think they announced when they did because she’s starting to show already. If this does not come to pass I will return to Dirt Bag…