
At least I now know they have larger cup sizes on asos, I’d never bothered to look in their lingerie section as my back/cup size combo is not usually stocked in most places.

They sold out of my size too, finally a nice bra in a wide size range and they’re all gone already.

Nobody’s gifs are moving for me except Bobby’s kinja or conspiracy?

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The whole exchange they had at that time was amazing.

My favourite is “it is in my heart to forgive. I will keep her in my prayers” re Christina Aguilera saying in an interview that Mariah was rude to her.

Maybe she only had enough to do her legs and had to wear long sleeves in case her unmoisturised skin frightened passersby so now she’s mad because her outfit is too matchy matchy as a consequence of her poor planning.

If you hate lotion can’t you just apply Mariah because them chickens is ash and she’s lotion.

Too late to edit my previous comment but as an Irish citizen you have the right to reside anywhere in the EU. On a more Bernie Sanders related note we have free college but you’d have to live in the EU for three of the five previous years to qualify.

While I don’t have the authority to speak for the whole country, we are a friendly bunch so you’d more than likely be welcome.

And way less attitude.

I was impressed Brandy claims to eat a decent amount of calories most celebrity diets I’ve ever seen are in the 1200-1500 calorie range.

Who booked Mariah for American Idol anyway? She’s not known for sharing the spotlight and none of the rest of the panel have had her success so her management should know they wouldn’t get along.

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I like this bright and fun Hilary way more than when they tried to sex her up back in the day.

All I’m getting from this is that Nicki and Ariana are much closer in height than Kim and Mariah are.

Cork has 5 constituencies - South Central 65.78% North Central 63.77 Cork East 61.72 Cork North West 57.87 Cork South West 55.97. So a long way to go in the rural areas, I hadn’t actually viewed the non central figures before today because they were the last 3 constituencies to report by hours, I’m a bit disappointed.

Unfortunately most of the Irish Jezzies are in the greys so a lot of the commenters who claim to be so concerned for Irish women’s rights are speaking over us and speaking for us without any concern for what we actually think, much like the Catholic church.

It’s only a web series, Static Shock deserves better.

Pretty much all schools in Ireland are Catholic schools and they all follow the same curriculum so I do think someone’s in trouble.

I’m the kind of person who prefers fewer really close friendships so I know how big a loss it can be to lose someone and how it can make you doubt yourself. I think there’s a whole narrative that friends will always be there for you and it’s not really recognised how much it sucks when they let you down and that some

I’m so sorry you’re going through that, she sounds like a shitty friend. If she feels you need to be more supportive of her recovery, why isn’t she more supportive of yours? It sucks when we grow apart from people but sometimes you learn that what you had in common wasn’t the fundamental important shit you need from a