Some of you really, really, really need to watch Raising Arizona. It’s a damn classic and my favorite Holly Hunter performance:
Some of you really, really, really need to watch Raising Arizona. It’s a damn classic and my favorite Holly Hunter performance:
You should catch Notes on a Scandal if you haven’t already. “One learns one’s scale...” Dame Judi is spectacularly evil!
i’m a fan of them all though
I’ve been on a 90s binge all lockdown and I just rewatched Twister and it mostly holds up! But it also reminded me of her baffling Oscar win for As Good As It Gets when that year Judi Dench’s absolutely masterclass performance in Mrs. Brown was also nominated. Hunt is fine in As Good As It Gets, but after also…
A bunch of Charlie Sheen’s ex-girlfriends once said the same thing. Didn’t matter in that case and doesn’t matter here. People are different in different relationships and the further they descend into addiction.
Every murderer out there was not a murderer till they murdered someone.
What if I told you...
When Jovovich was about 12, she was doing a very adult photo shoot in Philadelphia. The 12 year old Jovovich was in a very revealing bathing suit (think Cher’s Turn Back Time outfit) along the Delaware river in the middle of winter.
Take a moment to let that sink in.
I know all this because I…
Weinstein still harassed Paltrow and she was not only a child of Hollywood aristocrats, but her godfather was Steven Spielberg ... Famous connected family isn’t much protection.
“Any industry that has that much power and is that competitive, because after a while it starts to become, ‘Well, who can take the most abuse?’” she said.
I wonder if they interviewed Tatum O’Neal for this. You wanna talk about a messed up child hood. When she got nominated for an Oscar, and her father didn’t (for Paper Moon) he punched her. She subsequently went to the Oscars (where she won) alone. Neither of her parents went. Ryan O’Neal is such garbage.
And she’s neither a victim nor witness to the abuse (she has already testified about her own rape) so she’s not really in a position to call out names. These are likely assaults described to her by friends so they’re not her stories to go public with. Naming the assailant may expose victims who aren’t willing or…
I was struck at the opening credits statistic. The amount of people (I think it said 20,000?) come every year to LA to peddle their children, and how 95% of them don’t get hired. The ones that do get hired, pay a heavy price.
this isn’t really so black and white. It doesn’t mean shit sometimes to come forward, that’s the sad fucking reality. She can lose everything, go through her own trauma again as a potential victim of abuse, and then there is still no justice served. Yes you can hope for the best, but victims know the reality that the…
I also feel this outraged on why we keep letting abusers walk around like nothing.
Very true. I look at guys like Singer and Spacey and am beyond confused how teflon they seem.
There are an alarming number of nurses who go into the field just because compared to other choices, it pays them okay, not because they have an inherent desire to care for people. And of those, many just scrape through. There’s no implicit assurance of broad intelligence. I understand that at this time we’re all here…
Coincidently, or not, there is also a f-ton of nurses around the country who are outing thrmselves racist twunts, and getting fired.
She should be charged with a crime. You can’t be in a position of responsibility over others’ health (let alone your own child’s!) and be this negligent.
I work in a medical office as clinical staff and I sometimes just can’t believe the conspiracy theories being thrown around the break room by the nursing staff
There are an alarming number of nurses buying into crazy conspiracy theories about COVID-19, or who are dismissing it as no big deal. This shit has very real consequences.