
I worked at a fairly large cadillac dealership in the service department. The service department consisted of a very long building with service stalls on both sides and the dispatch office (where I worked) was right in the middle. I was one of the very few females employed in this department. It was a fun job but

My best quitting story happened when I was working at a coffee place on my university campus. I had worked there for two years before I quit. The main reason I quit was because of this one girl. She was a terror. She would call people: stupid fucking bitches, dumb cunt, homophobic slurs, etc. She also was lazy as hell

In a vein similar to Kate's: When I was old enough to stop going to my family's yearly camping trip.

My sister was super obsessed with Titanic and saw it in the theater at least a dozen times. I think she was around 12. My dad was a real trooper and went with her at least half of those times. I went with on her 10th or 11th time and my dad had clearly had enough. He couldn't keep it together and was making silly

I usually like beards but his is NASTY. I particularly hate it with his greasy man bun. One can be a very attractive man and have a beard, one can be a very attractive man and have long hair. One cannot be an attractive man and have both of those things. He looks like the unabomber.

I believe it was the immortal bard, Taylor Swift, who said it best:

On a side note, interesting that they chose cremation since, as Christians, they believe a body is needed for the second coming/day of judgment. Either they wanted to deny that for their child or they were afraid a daughter would be there on judgment day.

What the fuck, that is not a victory for females or business travelers or anyone except for maybe derps who love playing purse roulette when it comes to dangerous projectiles slamming into someone's head when the plane drops.

Seriously, go get that purse and have someone throw it at your face as hard as they can, then

I didn't enter this in the original, because it's really not my story to tell, but it was the single grossest experience of my life. And I deal with explosive bottom kittens and cats.

My brother likely has a cow's protein intolerance. I know this because my daughter does too and his symptoms match hers exactly. My

I am from central Louisiana originally. My parents told me that if I was a lesbian they would be extremely hurt and wouldn't ever want to see me again. I was sleeping with exclusively women at the time (since I was 15). They also forbade me from marrying a black man because "the cultural differences are too much" and

I will start by saying I made a new account to post with because I do not want to post on my real account and out myself.

I'm always fascinated by men who assume that all women are poor, uneducated, and uncultured — because the only reason a woman would gravitate towards a man of a certain socio-economic level is because she must be a gold digger, right? She couldn't possibly be his equal and have a lot in common with him, could she?

This girl is gonna be a delight at her college interviews. She is such a great conversationalist.

Age: Yes, I AM a couple years away from 50 however I am considered by some a "Milf" or a "cougar". Perhaps it is YOUR genes that have graced me so well? Oh-you don't remember ME now, Auntie Grace?

So the family should sit around the Christmas tree in silence because this grammar-challenged brat can't be arsed to be polite? Really?! Huh.

I hope her family sets her on fire on top of a pile of her shithead pamphlets.

Arianna, they're only asking to be polite. They do not care where you go to school.

My husband and I should make one which includes:

Yep, run like a maniac. These types will gaslight, try to make you think you 'drove them to it', blah blah blah. Fuck that noise. They made a lot of choices before they actually fucked another person so leave it behind and go be fabulous. And fuck the friend noise. My ex, to this day, still likes to yammer on about