Riot Croissant


The amount of teenagers who die when contracting covid, even with complicating factors, is effectively a rounding error on a rounding error.  She’ll be fine.


Ostiopaths are doctors.  Not a substitute for a MD, but no need to shit on DOs


Dont forget, Both boris johnson and jaier bolsonaro saw pretty substational bumps in public popularity after recovering from coronavirus.

Notorious RBG said honor my last wishes, do not fill this seat until after the election

This conversation got me thinking of modern news format in 1930s germany lol.

Bulletin: November 10, 1938

“Last night, mostly peaceful protests broke out in an event some are calling “The night of the broken glass” as a result of outrage over the murder of government diplomat Ernst vom Rath by jewish terrorist

This conversation got me thinking of modern news format in 1930s germany lol.

Bulletin: November 10, 1938

“Last night, mostly peaceful protests broke out in an event some are calling “The night of the broken glass” as a result of outrage over the murder of government diplomat Ernst vom Rath by jewish terrorist

True, but far-left activism and terrorism, much of it funded by the newly-sovieted russians all across europe, also and more so IMO led to fascism moreso that just simple “German pride” or whatever. Because the people who would be otherwise voting for more center-right parties in germany at the time were afraid of the

Yea but its good for fostering a sense of union, belonging and purpose, and allows for a cultural continuity that means that things that take greater than a human lifetime can be carried out by a nation. Otherwise its just cultural anarchy.

To be a “nation”  (a people tied to a geographic region.  Your classic “Blood

Why is patriotism in scare quotes?

Fuck, most british people are brainwashed from birth to abhor nationalism, arent they?

Kill anyone who says the phrase “black lives matter”.  Hang them from piano wire and mutilate the bodies.  Kill the children so noone grows up to claim revenge.

Hate speech was invented whole cloth by the soviet union in 1948 to prevent the UN from deeming their authoritarian society internationally illegal. It literally is soviet propaganda and not a thing.

Hate speech is a (legally protected) action, but transphobia and other bigotries are opinions.

No, hate speech like any speech is action and not opinion.

Tell me again how you don’t have free speech because Facebook flagged your social media post or people are angry in an internet comments section that you’re a transphobic asshole, though.

Hate speech is not an opinion.

This take is and always has been a load of shit. If you’re taking the position that private individuals can conspire to violate human rights and its no big deal because its not the government doing it, every lunch counter in the US south can hang up signs that say “Whites only” and say “Well the government isnt doing