
Are you from Texas by chance?

It’s hard to tell because even their new stuff looks 8-10 years old already.

He saw a black dude and an NBC logo, I doubt he even thought about the weather. His tiny Fox-poisoned brain probably jumped right to BLM or CRT or something about fraudulent votes.

Not necessarily low intelligence, but there is definitely a correlation between low-education and low-income, as better educated people can get better jobs. Much of the predatory business ecosystem for the poor depends on their innumeracy. Besides Dollar stores, there are those awful “Checks Cashed”, “Payday Loans”,

Maybe Tom and Rita got the wrong baby at the hospital. Perhaps a DNA test is in order. 

I can't remember the exact details, but where this guy screwes up is that he started charging for premium accounts or something. Most ROM sites are free, but he brought money into it going directly into his pocket.

Been listening to her since Escaflowne!

The plastics that they’re made of break down after years of temperature cycles. If you leave the seat in the car, it can get down to sub-zero temps in winter and well over 100 degrees in direct sunlight.

I’d be willing to bet none of them were buying cards for themselves, or for children they knew. Just another hobby ruined by scalpers in the great 2020/21 scalping depression.

Ebay, resale, flipper, dick nose, assholes.

...and none of them were children.

I’m glad they got that feedback. Super early in the game when you’re in the village for the first time and you get a ton of enemies after you and you basically just have to run around long enough to trigger a cut scene- I was SUPER worried about how the rest of the game was going to play out. That part drove me crazy

They elected a dude that talked creepily about his daughters t*ts and was besties with a known pedophilic pimp ... but yep, the Dems are the immoral ones. 

There are very few grim things that bring me pleasure, but one portion of that small set is the knowledge that Lee Atwater has been dead for thirty years and he never saw his 41st birthday. That pleasure is tempered somewhat by the realization that the stink and sticky filth of his horrid being is still slathered all

Yet another white, conservative, fragile snowflake.

It helps when you don’t actually have to book the venue!

We’ll pay another $5 for Netflix, but be dammed if the state or city asks us for another $10 in taxes for situations like this.

Priorities I guess.

-100 Social Credits. Please report to your local reeducation centre.

when your country is known for ripping off other peoples idea, this is what an original thought looks like

Hmm, that’s usually a TV setting. Did you dig around in your TV’s menus? Is the TV’s “Zoom” mode on? Is it happening with other games on the same console?