DISAGREE: That women would have died if she stepped in front of a non-autonomous car just the same. She STEPPED DIRECTLY IN THE PATH OF THE CAR. Uber is 100% not at fault here.
(never dropped below 140FPS at 1440p on my GTX 1080). You don’t say? Im pretty sure a Porsche can maintain 140MPH without a drop in power too.
Its like a 3rd graders crayon drawing come to life.
People are too FN picky this day. Game looks just fine for a 22 year old SNES port running in emulation on a high-res PC. Get a FN life people. You know what FFV IOS is perfectly playable as well. So There. The assets would have to be recreated from scratch to reach the levels that would make the internet happy.
If you have the ability to pay off your cards each month, there are tons of benefits. I get at least 2-3k back in cash and rewards each year, and I’m not a frequent travel. For a financially responsible person its actually flushing away money to not use cards with good rewards programs.
If you have the ability to pay off your cards each month, there are tons of benefits. I get at least 2-3k back in…
This is the greatest thing I have read in a long time.
Me EVERY SINGLE DAY working in corporate America.
Thats one expensive Switch.
See one a day in Metro Atlanta. Of course I see 40+ Teslas a day as well.
I want to Google “cake-sitting” porn but know I should not.
Yeah I can see this. We have an Odyssey as well, but only a family of four. When we take big weeklong trips we easily fill it up with the rear seats down. When we do take the grandparents along and use the third row we have to use a roof mounted luggage container. America is big. We have lots of roads. We have big…
Was Gwyneth Paltrow on board?
“The “people voted for it.” It turns out that was a lie.” Not a lie at all, its just the MOST people didn’t vote for it. - Politics.
My high school car (91-92) was a Dodge Omni GLH!
Good god parents. Treat edibles LIKE A LOADED WEAPON. Lock it up in a very secure safe, such as a gun safe. Not behind a flimsy child lock.