
This episode was amazing. The Andy/Naido/Fireman stuff in particular was so perfect. Of course, Andy. He's the perfect vehicle for this
And the bar scene. Next time an unwanted guy hits on me, I know what to do.

What other show makes use of the way Hearing aids pick up unwanted noises and amplify them painfully?

I love Gordon Cole. I cannot get enough of him. It's so cute the way he yells. Well, it's not yelling. It's very methodical loud talk. Lynch's own character is adorable.

I feel like Sarah is actually the root of all the horror in the Palmer family.

I'm old gen x and my husband is on the young end of the boomers. Our kids are millennials. They are decent and progressive. I don't care if they are 19 and 22. I'd whup their asses if they attended such a March or threatened people or voted for Trump…not that they ever would.

Lessen my enthusiasm? Like curb it? No. I like my enthusiasm. It's pretty pretty pretty good.

Exactly. We live on a different world now. Trump has empowered these people.


After that scene with Evil Coop vomiting in the car I don't think I'll ever eat creamed corn again.

I think Dana Ashbrook looks great.

Yeah. I feel bad for him. Not my favorite place. 😬

He truly disarms and changes people. Tom Sizemore's character is a perfect example, but also the Mitchum brothers and even Janey E. He didn't disarm Ike, but he did get part of his palm.

Time is a flat circle. (I assume that's appropriate now with the new season on its way with Mahershala Ali)

That too.

He has the sharp delicate features but his are much more asshole.

But she's right about pie.

He definitely has alopecia totalis… not just typical male pattern baldness.

I loved this episode. Sizemore character became sympathetic! Who knew? I think there's something about "Dougie" Coop that entirely disarms bad guys (either figuratively or by taking a piece of their palm.) It's sweet to watch. I love vegetable Coop.

The arm wrestling giant guy definitely had alopecia totalis. You could see that win coming a mile away. I was like "Run, Ray, run!" as soon as the deal was made. I didn't expect Evil Coop to toy with him and then kill him with a punch to the face. That was new.
