
She was dressed exactly like Tilda Swinton in Snowpiercer

I saw them the night before Halloween and they can still sing. I forgot how talented they are. Fred..was, well, Fred He threw a drumstick out into the audience becuase he was pissed that people were filming on their phones. They wore costumes.

I from New Jersey. I think Bruce is a great person but his music never appealed to me. I don't like his style.

Definitely used for chronic pain. I have some patients on it from pain management physicians. It's notoriously slow acting which is good and bad. It makes the dosage harder to adjust but does eliminate the high and keeps a steady level.

Oh, and Jon Stewart. He seems to come from such a humane logical and secular place. Seeing his reactions to world events always reminds me I'm not alone. I

The Simpsons always comforts me. I have watched it since 1989 so it brings back many memories for me and the older episodes seem to come from this warm decent place. I always empathize with Lisa.

Middle aged? She's 63. She looks great and is obviously at the peak of her acting skills. I need to see this movie.

Good. Then we have nothing to fear from Robert DeNiro.

"You votin' for Trump? You votin' for Trump?"

Yes, that movie was great and I learned things I did not know.

I still dream of the alternative timeline in which Al Gore won the electoral vote. Would have been better than what happened under Darth Cheney.

Me too. It was the obvious and sane choice.

If I'll never see the English evergreens I'm running to
It's nothing to meet
It's nothing to see
I'm dying too

I saw him as part of a comedy festival last month (on 9/11) He was sympathetic, (partly because of the date and his father's death) and honest and had some sort of sheepish charisma. He talked about many of the things above and mentioned getting a propecia prescription to keep his hair. He talked about how the doctor

Yeah. I was seven in 1973.

I had Pong as a tween. I'm ancient…. although I don't think we got it as soon as it was available. It was the late seventies.

The Big Lebowski is classic Americana. If I had to use one movie to explain American culture, that would be it.

I am ancient (okay, 50.) I have watched the show since 1989 and I was already an adult when it started. Still, it has been so many decades that I don't feel that I really have perspective. The show has gradually changed, but life has changed more. And it's true, we crave nostalgia. I still enjoy the show when I do

Doh! I blame autocorrect. That's my position and I'm sticking with it.

Lee body disease is worse and quicker. Less treatable