
To anyone who isn’t sure this type of treatment is a big deal, I would recommend you spend a few honest moments putting yourself in the shoes of a woman sexually harassed by an employer or in the interview process. I had this type of treatment happen to me when I was 23 and newly in the professional workforce. Our

It’s just a game about power and disrespect.

“I’m helping them, because they really need a snack and I really need a blow job.”

What kind of person gives a tiny child an apple in exchange for sucking their dick? What kind of person!

tune in to find out

Why? (This piece, not the wedding.)

omg Leo is so old

This particular case is pretty terrible, but what else do kids get to decide about their relationships with their parents? I know there were days as a child that I didn’t want to live in our house anymore; maybe I should have been allowed to move out? My mother would threaten to drag me into the car to family events

The argument that “my last name is my father’s anyway” is ridiculous. I have lived my whole life with my name; my potential future spouse would have lived his whole life with his name. Where it came from is irrelevant. And by the way, my last name isn’t just my father’s. It is my mother’s, also.

Every meeting of our executive team and every client meeting I’m ever in is beyond majority white males. +republican +middle-aged. Boo f-ing hoo, white men.

I have only ever booked one Airbnb and it was with a young professional woman. I would not have felt safe booking with a man.

Yeah, putting a child in a pregnant belly is horribly distasteful. Putting a child* in an actual dog collar, however, is artistic.

They are upset about that reality gravy train being put in jeopardy. But they’re hopeful they can spin the scandal into bigger bucks. Seems to be working so far.

They have very clearly and plainly said they are. When discussing the sister molestations, it was just curiosity, a mistake, minor, and “not rape or anything like that.” When discussing the adultery, they all weep and cry and say “how could he do this?”

Hope it was worth it.

I hope those like him get to see the video of the verdict being read, too.

Sociopaths only feel for themselves. This guy is a classic example. Women being raped by a guy with a badge and a gun: not sad. Himself being sentenced for those crimes: very sad.

And was he, like, mouthing at the jury as he approached the bench? It looked like he was shaking his head and mouthing at them like, how could you do this to me? Fucker.

Comedians are terrible. I have never been to a comedy show that didn’t include offensive sexist, misogynist dialogue.

I love the so-sad weeping. Poor guy.