
You see, here in AV Club we don’t think men can be victims of abuse, even despite a mountain of evidence proving it.

AV Club has turned into a toilet....

Why is this article so derogatory towards a victim of domestic violence? I thought we were passed all that?

She is a perjurer. And a batterer. Proven with her own words. The only asshole here is amber. She appealed. He responded. That’s how it works.

I miss when this site would possible reconsider calling anyone involved in a domestic abuse case a ‘sore winner’. It doesn’t matter who’s in the right, the snark just seems...too flippant and casual. If Depp is in the right, this is cruel. If Depp is in the wrong ‘sore winner’ still manages to trivialize what Amber

nooooobody caaaaaares about your website 

Can we talk about how Taylor Swift is objectionably a bigger and better pop star than Beyonce?

For you liberals that like to use the term “snowflake”......This is the type of situation that created the term. Why do the servers give a damn about Corden or his opinions. Move on and stop being attention whores.

Oh fuck off

He’s dead, freshly dead even. 

The escalation of violence in Mortal Kombat games was inevitable to keep it fresh for 30 years. They’re always fun, but MK11 was the first time the Fatalaties felt... desperate... to me. As if to stay relevant they have to be as graphic as possible, and now it’s more gross-out than funny. Even from an artistic

Know what they should call it?  I know what they should call it . . . . Box Office POISON!!

Not sure why it’s my responsibility to know about the existence of this movie and not, like, the marketing department’s job to get the word out?

I’d say their problem, specifically their marketing team.

The trailer for this movie has a joke that says:

I’m not sure it’s ever a good idea for someone to speculate about why their movie has underperformed at the box office.  It’s always going to come off as resentful and defensive.

I also…find Billy Eichner deeply offputting?

“We didn’t make this movie for straight people, so why didn’t they show up in droves?

You’re going to watch a movie you don’t want to see for political reasons. What a perfect encapsulation of the absurd state of entertainment culture in 2022.

Hard to go see a movie I am just finding out about from this post about his complaint that no one went to see it.