
Glaring omission:

The Last Jedi: Still better than the prequels.

I will, because it’s Star Wars. And I think The Last Jedi is a lower-tier Star Wars film.


Right after the wondergoal from Inui, I said to the guys next to me in the office Belgium was going to win the match. They’d controlled the whole match and were just to big and technically strong for Japan to hold off. After the fluky Vertonghen header, they were rolling.

No, just not funny.

I believe this time, it was... Busch-league nonsense.

“A disaster here in Russia for Germany!”

I doubt we’ll see a better shot this summer.

As long as all of the punches were thrown underhand, no rules were broken.

I know right? It makes you bang your head against the desk to see it.

Olive Sagapolu is 336 lbs
Olive Sagapolu does backflips
Olive Sagapolu is our nose tackle

Yeah, but it’s pronounced “badass.”

I often see white parents with obviously adopted black children, I’d call the police but they’d probably arrest the kids.

I dunno bud, that sounds pretty personal to me. Specifically targeting a person and aiming to stop him achieving something?

Can I just say what a bunch of assholes to group up into order to make sure he DOESN’T achieve a full set of 32?

truly incredible collection of comedic talent

This is neither “noice” nor “tight”.  Terry does not love this news.

To be the worst human possible, It’s like the Warriors are Thanos and the only person who can stop him is Cyclops from the first X-Men movie. Like, fuck that dude.

Wow both Knicks fans posting on the same thread, what’re the odds?