The first time I played Mount Wario, I thought, “Holy shit, that was a really good Mario Kart track.”
The first time I played Mount Wario, I thought, “Holy shit, that was a really good Mario Kart track.”
Track: L | Album: Awake/Hohokum Original Soundtrack | Artist: Tycho
Spoiler : The vent is not a good place to hide in MP lol
Every time I think Chris Roberts' gorgeous crowdfunded space sim couldn't possibly get any better, the folks at…
Not a fan of madden but this ad was brilliant.
it's because people can be tough on the internet.
nausicaa would have been against all this senseless killing!!
Tricking has been called "the most extreme martial art." That's for good reason.
Paid full price for SpeedRunners after playing it at my brother's house with some of his friends. I regret nothing.
SpeedRunners is a great deal at 75% off over at Bundle Stars.
It is strange how the description evolved from "close friends at Winterkewl games" to "We met Kris and trusted his qualifications and assertions that we could trust him with our brand."
Y'know, I fundamentally disagree with the construction and general implications behind a great deal of the word choice in Patricia's original article (and as much as Totilo's trying to shift blame back on himself—which as the primary editor for Kotaku, he does have to share—I can't get behind what they tried to do…
No, it's not. This article is pure libel and slander, and you should be ashamed that you allowed a piece like this to be published on Kotaku.
This "article" can't be called journalism and contributes nothing. It's an awful attempt to try and start a discussion that is two other peoples business. I cannot even believe you guys allow this crap on your website. EVERY single time I see one of Patricia's posts it is either a rehash of some article I've seen…
Like I said, we can't know. He can't prove that. Neither can she. But statistically, 1-8% of accusations turn out to be false.
I hate to say this, but Jezebel article about this was really well written and didn't take any sides. That just goes to show you how badly thought out this article was.
I really wish she would go to Jezebel. I wouldn't have to see her articles pop up anymore.
100% of rapists are human. I guess we're all guilty...