And sex advice from a man let alone one who is celebate for life.
And sex advice from a man let alone one who is celebate for life.
Mormons are taught that masturbation is EVIL and DIRTY, just like pre-marital sex is EVIL and DIRTY. Somehow they the EVIL, DIRTY, BARELY FORGIVABLE, EQUAL TO MURDER sex becomes magically OK once the right words are said in the right temple. Molly Mormons and Peter Priesthoods are absolutely not prepared…
The vagina doesn’t need to be stretched prior to first intercourse -- what it needs is to be excited and lubricated. I’m all for women (and men, and anyone) choosing to have penetrative sex for the first time by themselves with a safe and quality sex toy, but that should be about exploration and pleasure, not some…
And lo, the Angel of the Internet did bring forth from the firmament or something.... The Vaginal Dilator!!!
It’s purposeful, to increase the stigma against sex. If you think it’s going to be painful or your body needs weeks of preparation beforehand you’re going to be more intimidated and more likely to wait for marriage.
holy shit
Right, makes you wonder if he has a personal relationship with Rapey McRapist
Exactly and I’m guessing the sympathizing principal has rapey history of his own cause it makes no fuckin sense to suspend this young girl because a student confessed to being THE RAPIST!
so the principal feels it’s more important for the rapist to feel safe? because why else does this kid feel targeted if he ISN’T the rapist?
It’s such a weird response. “I’m obviously the RAPIST being referred to in the notes and it makes me scared for my safety because I’m a RAPIST and people don’t like us RAPIST’s and would like to hurt me, a RAPIST, just because I raped someone.”
It also reinforces the idea that kids should lie and not own up to their actions
This is a small thing but f*ck school administrators who say “if you come forward and admit what you did you won’t be in trouble” then immediately turn around and suspend students.
If someone put these notes up in my office I wouldn’t feel targeted.
“Shedd claimed that a male student felt targeted by the notes and no longer left safe attending class.” asshole is in denial about the rapist who literally outed himself. police need to get the name from the principal and find out what he’s been up to.
Yanno what they say, ‘if the shoe fits, kick yourself with it.’
It’s like those crime dramas when the killer inadvertently admits to the crime.
It almost sounds like he’s protecting a family member, damn.
If someone feels attacked by a note calling out rapists, perhaps some self-reflection is in order...?
“...a male student felt targeted by the notes and no longer left safe attending class.”
There’s really only one reason to feel targeted by the notes. Maybe he shouldn’t feel safe - anywhere. A taste of his own medicine.
Cape Elizabeth High School principal Jeffrey Shedd apparently disagrees. In a letter distributed Wednesday, Shedd claimed that a male student felt targeted by the notes and no longer left safe attending class.