Riley 1066

And The Blues Brothers.

I think we should follow Arrested Development Style and start calling the President "Dirty Ears Trump".


A Soft Shell Crab Mobile …

I think the cities that do this should have contracts already lined up to sell the metal to overseas recyclers so that they can't be returned to their podiums …

There's British soil in Okracoke North Carolina for some British Sailors that were killed off the coast during World War II.

I have no problem with the pre "Under God" pledge.

Well the residents elected the City council …

The poor kids in the south fought in part because they felt that they might eventually become rich enough to be able to buy slaves of their own someday and they didn't want the Federal Government telling them they couldn't own these future slaves.

The Poor kids with rifles in the South should have shot the Confederate Leadership.

I point out the "best friend is black" argument because its what Benioff and Weiss used to excuse their racist show about traitors to the United States.

"Two of my best friends (producers) are black!"

There's a lot to be outraged about.

President of which United States on which Earth?

Primogeniture is just another part of the Wheel that Dany is going to break.

Does anyone think Benjen Stark will join the Wight Snatching Expedition next week?

Middle Easterners are Caucasian and therefore white.

I hope Gilly lost that stupid book with its useless annulment information forever. Fuck that idea with a rusty chain.