The game is uglier than one of Ratto’s sweaters.
The game is uglier than one of Ratto’s sweaters.
grow up.
Exactly. I PVR most of the sports I watch, and it’s up to me to not go anywhere on the internet that might spoil a game or race for me. It’s an astonishing level of entitlement some people have, thinking 8 billion people should cater to their desires.
Nope. Because the internet is not your personal realm and you cannot expect other people’s actions to perfectly conform with your idea of etiquette. You also cannot, and should not, try to force people to conform to your idea of acceptable behavior online (outside of hate speech, Fascism, or illegal speech, obviously).
At the end of the day, most people who complain about spoilers aren’t willing to make the necessary changes/sacrifices to their lifestyle to avoid them. They expect everyone else to accommodate them. If you truly, truly do not want to be spoiled, you have to be willing to avoid the internet, avoid talking to people…
That seems like a pretty big red flag.
If knowing what happens in a film ruins it, the film wasn’t good.
Then don’t read them...
I agree with her on this. If that is something that just ruins the film for you to the point that you didn’t enjoy any of it, then yes, the film was not that good. I figured Han was going to kick the bucket as that was the rumor but his death in the Force Awakens didn’t ruin the film for me.
I agree with you 100%. I know I’m not going to see the Avengers movie for a while and it’s ridiculous for me to think that people who were genuinely about having seen it don’t want to talk about it on social media. Additionally, knowing that [certain characters that we all know are going to die in this movie] do…
“Because there are no fours” is one of the best NBA quotes of all time, right up there with Micheal Ray Richardson’s “This ship be sinkin’” and Shaq’s response when asked if he visited the Parthenon while in Athens: “I can’t really remember the names of the clubs we went to.”
There are a good handful of guys who could hit 35%-50% from outside 30 feet. A 4 point basket would only serve make the rich richer. Golden State and other good deep 3 teams would collect talent and destroy teams under a barrage of 4 point shots taken 6 seconds into the shot clock.
I only wish we could all know what it feels like to be Bill Walton watching Dean Cain nail a 25-point shot. Looks freaking sweet.
If the stick is up under your arm, it’s already a hook. The act of clamping down on it doesn’t change that.
lol no
You’re totally right. He’s extremely skilled and has refined his shooting and driving ability to nigh-perfect levels. But he resorts to this cheesy bullshit which is so hard to watch, not at all in the spirit of the game and makes him one of the most reviled players in the league.
If Houston wanted to win last night’s game they simply just needed to score more points than Golden State. That's how you win basketball games.
He’d still be incredible. That’s the infuriating part. He 100% has the talent to be successful at this highest level of basketball. But he chooses not to, because he’d rather hunt touch fouls. It’s the most asinine thing.
At least we’re finally getting an answer to “what would it look like if an entire organization was the old lady who complained to the HOA about your lawn?”
The one sentiment I can definitely now agree with is that a champion Rockets team certainly would be the worst thing to happen to the NBA.