Nah, I mean what I said. I get why somebody would think Kawhi’s better, of course. I just don’t agree.
Nah, I mean what I said. I get why somebody would think Kawhi’s better, of course. I just don’t agree.
Stopped reading after one word
100 years ago this was the premise of a video game and the video game was kept inside of a box that was as tall as a man.
only the boston homer would pick Al horford over Kevin Durant, to say nothing of Steph vs Kyrie
I’d probably take the second and third best players on the planet from the best team in the NBA. Not sure how Melo being tall would really help against Steph and Durant.
Niko Mirotich & Bobby Portis.
Pretty sure that was Jim Harbaugh.
I wish I had a job where I could just write the same article every week or two and just change a few of the words toward the top to match recent events.
You guys talk about this NIT Cup as if every invited country wouldn’t show up, earn a bunch of cash, and make something out of nothing.
I won’t argue, but it should be noted Harbaugh is a quirky good guy-type of insane, and will be remembered as such and fondly. He’s not a Woody Hayes insane type of coach, who thinks he’s George Patton and acts accordingly- no one will ever see Harbaugh slap a player. Niner fans will forever remember him as the last…
How do I write in the profane youth hockey coach from the other day?
No, no, no. It’s ok for Harbaugh to recruit teens.
As long as Bill Walton gets to be Secretary of Agriculture (to grow the real dank shit) I’m happy.
Don’t you have a statue of Robert E. Lee to fellate?
Huh? Boomer liberals aren’t. Calling athletes protesting ‘patriots’ is a response to those misrepresenting their protests to pretend they’re unpatriotic. They likely wouldn’t even comment on the ‘patriotism’ if not for those pretending Kaepernick is shitting on the military.
So in the Popovich/Kerr 2021 administration, do we make Stan Van Gundy the Secretary of State or Ambassador to the UN?
Eh, he’s better than any of us. ::shrug::
11. Created a burner account so he could comment on The Root.
I guess we’ll never know, because who watches Fox Sports 1.