Dudicle of Doom

Yeah, why can’t people just be mindless chuds slurping down whatever nostalgia-tinged glop gets shoved in front of them?

Giggs is a yes, but Keane’s from Ireland. I don’t think he qualifies.

Jesus Christ no one is holding it to some standard of important literature. The fucking book is not fun to read; it is like reading the About tab of the world’s biggest loser’s facebook page. Plus the constant stream of secondhand embarrassment that he has broadcast “I wish so badly to live in a world where the only

Perhaps RP1 isn’t for everyone. I love the book and Cline’s use of nostalgia as a vehicle to tell a story.

I had a different experience with the audio book. Wil Wheaton might be funny and clever, but the only way that I can describe his voice is punchable. It just grates on me. I would rather listen to a book read by literally anybody else.

Gizmodo Media Group? Yeah, I read them. By them, I mean Deadspin, Splinter, io9 and Gizmodo. I even read Jezebel and Jalopnik. 

Good Writing: “I watched all the Star Trek Series”

Weird, because I know him from Fifa and he sucks.


Hey, look — it’s an article about Barca!

By “forced”, do you mean “intentional”? Not sure what else you could mean by that.



Do you really think the QB is the only person responsible for a win/loss?

You’re telling me fans would rather you lose and put a worse player out there...

If CK is good enough to compete for the starting position, the team’s probably a shitpile anyway. I swear, I think “Distraction” is like the Family Circus’ “Not Me” gremlin, a non-existent phenomenon meant as a diversionary tactic.

Kaepernick is 5 years younger than Fitzpatrick and played demonstrably better last season. Both played for bad teams.

You’re deducted 200 EXP for each teammate you kill. You’re lying, or you’re not very smart and probably wondering why it’s taking so long to level up.

So you spent 40 bucks on a game just to piss people off...?jesus...