
I read one from the director of marketing at General Motors, bemoaning that millennials weren't buying luxury cars.

It sounds like some executive came up with it using the logic "if we call them customers, they'll be reminded they're at a restaurant. We want them to feel at home."

I went to an Applebees once when I was in the States, just because I'd seen it in the movies. For a laugh.

No it wasn't, you blood damper brain!

I always figured that unless you were a "name" director (like the Coen Bros, Tarantino, Anderson, etc) and people saw the movie for your style… then you were just supposed to make it invisibly as possible.

The other night, my father shower me an article saying that millennials were cheating less than boomers. He was impressed, because to him it meant that millennials weren't rushing into crappy marriages.

To be fair, mothers do tend to make outdated pop culture references. My mum just discovered emos are a thing.

I never know if "I'M CRYING" is because of they're laughing hard or its a cry for help.

He has a great laugh. I love listening to him.

Ohh that made me giggle.

Ooopphhh, the Drop Gut. I like to consider myself a generally nice person, but that shit makes me shiver.

I've been called a social justice warrior because I think gay marriage should be legal. Also a "white knight" because I had the gumption to suggest cat calling random women from a moving car wasn't cool.

To be fair it is chock full of pieces of shit.

I guess I can understand why someone would hack and leak a script (besides being arseholes, I guess they can blackmail producers*?), but I've *never* understood why someone would read a script prior to seeing the episode. Scripts aren't works of literature meant to be read. They're blueprints for the final product.

Yes very true. I read the Guardian quite a lot. Their opinion pieces are just very easy to ridicule.

Modern white Australian: "I am outraged about the way that politician/newspaper/friend/relative referred to Aboriginal people!"

"Wooloomooloo" *is* a funny name. I was delighted when I first heard it. I believe its also not actually an Aboriginal name, but rather a mis-appropriation. A quick glance on wikipedia says no one is really even sure which word it came from

I'd say the chuzzwozzers thing is making fun of blokey slang… but I can't ever see a white rural Australian appropriating an Aboriginal word.

"The monster you are describing is barely a raccoon, and you had to lie about it."

Impeach, humiliate, stroke on the toilet induced by a twitter rage