
I'd like to watch a documentary about practical film effects through history. Can anyone recommend one?

Weird thing about the Murdochs was that his mother, Elizabeth Murdoch, was a beloved philanthropist in Melbourne. She died recently and everyone was really bummed about it. But everyone hates her son.

Wow, 68. To be honest though, I don't really expect Murdoch to say "hmm now we have to get newer, younger hosts to peddle our lies". Fox News is basically a TV show that gives its audience what it wants, same as Seinfeld or 24.

Isn't it true that the average age of a Fox viewer is like 65? I read that once, and the point was that Fox news isn't really this huge, all consuming and powerful agenda setter. It largely caters to an audience of people who are already set in their ways. And it won't be too long until the network begins to diminish

Oh, you have got to be kidding sir. First you think of an idea that has already been done. Then you give it a title that nobody could possibly like. Didn't you think this through…….

He doesn't care slightly about Muslims or Islam because he's incapable of caring about anything but himself. He talked sh*t about Muslims in his campaign because that's what his voters wanted to hear.

I want to see a book/film about many Michael Crichtons being cloned by scientists for a theme park, only for the Michael Crichtons to escape and go on a rampage.

Why the hell do studios do this? They're restricting people from voluntary viewing advertisements.


Fucking hell. If all people care about is electing pop culture icons, why not just hand over the Presidency to fucking Big Bird.

So is Twin Peaks any good?

I like how conservatives are all obsessed with the free market until it takes down something they like having around.

Howard is super well connected and could find someone else, for sure.

I don't really think Howard is that bad, really. I don't really think he has any real animosity towards Jimmy. He probably doesn't like Jimmy and wishes he would just go away, but he's not looking to destroy him. Howard's just looking out for his law firm, which is certainly understandable. He's definitely not

Ugh, the fucking worst. Sorry for your loss.

It's more about purchasing power in a market. The median house price in Sydney is more than 12 times the median wage. In NYC, it's 5.7 times the median wage. That's still classed as "severely affordable".

There's something inherently… I won't say evil, but unethical… about speculating with property to achieve maximum profit by selling to overseas investors. People need shelter.

It's *massive* in Australia. I would hazard a guess and say 85% of cafes serve it.

Surprised y'all didn't mention that he was also given $34k at the age of 19 to get started.

I'm glad she's alright. My girlfriend's mum had a brain tumor late last year, but unfortunately she passed a few weeks later. God damn life.