
...or it was the store policy not to sell that many in one transaction and instead of explaining the reason why the clerk was an asshole about it. I had that happen to me and I had no idea that stores had policies like that. I was buying them for a lottery at work and finally the store’s manager came over and

Not to give support mister “#notallwhitepeople” up there but It is fair to point out that neither did the story say that the woman at the store made any derogatory statements about race. The whole thing is predicated on someone’s hurt feelings, and lest we become Trump supporters let’s all remember feelings do not

Nowhere does it say she was trying to buy a “shit load of gift cards”

You know that buying a shit load of gift cards with a stolen CC is an extremely common scam, right? And that most stores have limits on how many can be purchased in one transaction?

Oh Jesus, every time something slightly unpleasant happens its because of race and not because shes a spoiled celebrity who was probably acting like an asshole.

When I worked at EA I was considerably older than nearly everyone else in the department, and certainly the oldest of my peers. In the majority of cases, I was literally old enough to be their father.

I agree that media pile ups often go too far, and she shouldn’t be deprived of gainful employment over her mistakes, but that doesn’t necessarily mean her heart was in the right place.

I’m actually amazed at how many people are shrugging off the unprofessionalism this woman has exhibited, both in her actions and her apology in which she still essentially blamed “spirited journalists” for her behavior. She doesn’t deserve to be shamed or harassed, but she also should not be in a position to shape

You want to see a career destroyed on social media, not from a relatively unknown academic but a nobel laureate for breaking exactly zero laws in a twitter shitstorm that gave him no chance to set the record straight? Read this story. I can’t remember anyone coming to his defense and asking people to let go on

Not sure that saying “I was only fired cuz im a white lady” is admitting any mistakes, at most shes saying it wasnt her fault at all.

She did not admit that she was wrong:

If she was black she'd already have tenure and an endowment.

I think she should be able to work again, but a communications professor blocking journalists from a public area and saying bring some muscle (a threat) is a very, very, very bad look. That and her non-apology, I know I sure as hell wouldn’t want her working for any department I was involved with.

She is trash. If she held conservative opinions people here would be clamoring for her to be beheaded.

As a Gonzaga grad with a degree from the comm. department, this is especially embarrassing and frustrating. The school isn’t known for its diversity, so hiring the “white lady fired for racial politics” unfortunately doesn't surprise me. Hopefully her students still learn about the First Amendment somewhere down the

I much prefer the Kardashians. They’re just enjoying what the free market’s giving them.

Dunham represents absolutely everything wrong with rich, white girl “feminism” (in scare quotes because I don’t think her particular brand of the stuff really IS feminism). She is one penis away from being one of THE most privileged people the country has to offer and meanwhile all she can do is act like she’s some

Due to the paywall, I was prevented from reading the whole interview. Which means everything Lena Dunham does should be behind a paywall.

But I bet it’s Magikally delicious.