
In the UK, a new car must get its permanent plates fitted before leaving the dealer. But these can be made easily, at a wide variety of local shops, on presentation of the appropriate documents. While you wait, within 15 minutes. If you own the vanity plate, and have assigned it to the vehicle, it’s as fast to make

Scotland has gone from coal+nuclear to gas+nuclear to wind+nuclear already. It’s been the same fleet of nuclear plants through through both of those transition periods.
We don’t need to buy time - we need to get started. Teh most expensivce renewable - offshore wind - is now almost three times cheaper to build, per Mega

It was not early Russian reactor designs that have caused mass-evacuations and permanent no-go areas around Fukushima in Japan.

Just btw. Itym bated breath - ie moderated, held or restrained breath, rather than breath that you’ve put a hook and worm on.

Just a moot point. :-)

Over here in Europe, all the construction trades use Ford Transits (and the equivalents from the other makers, including VW Sprinters, etc).

Narrow enough, short enough (and available in wider and longer wheelbase versions), and all the stuff is secured inside the van, rather than lying on the bed.

Rivian now have significant backing & buy-in from Ford, (in addition to Amazon).
I hear Ford have at-scale manufacturing expertise going back a fair few decades...

Generally, you fill up EVs from whatever electrical generating source is nearby. You can check up the generating mix in the USA on a state-by-state basis. Some is principally fossil fuels (coal or gas), some is principally nuclear, some principally hydro, and some have substantial solar/wind contributions. You can

Hybrids don’t significantly help with high-speed highway driving. They help dramatically with slow-speed, stop-start & speed-up/slow-down driving.

So even if hybrids take over the motoring pool, it doesn’t affect the environmental arguments about cutting down on or eliminating unlimited speed motoring on

Neutral: The London-Brighton Reliability Run

Most recently hitting the headlines last November:

It’s basically continuity old Top Gear.

Well, the 100hp drooped the suspesion by an inch - which means that the bumpstops become a regularly-used part of the suspension.  So they made the bumpstops for the 100hp out of a material that does not work-harden.

Then you need to watch the video of the Fiat Panda 100hp up against a Ferrari.

Tyres already provide extra additional suspension.

Nuke plants are almost triple the cost of offshore wind turbines, per MegaWatt-hour.

To support all new vehicle sales doesn’t require the grid capacity to rise - it just means the existing capacity has to be switched off a bit less often.

Even once the entire vehicle fleet has been switched over, you don’t even have to double the grid capacity.

The cheapest new-build electrical genertion is all renewable, on a levellised cost of electricity basis.

Yes, but equally they are not non-Japanese nationals.

To be fair, that’s probably before the “founder of Tesla”, Elon Musk, heard about them

Show me where Trump hurt you...

What’s not illegal but should have been?

Driving those old rear-drive Skodas in the rain.
(I used to drive my brother’s Skoda Rapide Coupé)