
True, but they’re nearly at 2015 levels atm. It could be they’re moving to replacement-vehicles only, at which point they could be at 2010 levels within 10 years.

I really don’t get why automakers aren’t being pushed to make every ICE car a hybrid right now

Reminds me of a time in Dallas. There was a diner directly across the road from my hotel.

Yep - self-powered transport ships would be neat.
If only there was some way to harness renewable energy power to move ships.

Maybe wind power?

Ability to store energy long term in Hydrogen form, unlike solar power

It can be made anywhere in the same way that coal and natural gas can be made anywhere.

No -if it had electronic mirrors, it would have external cameras.

Stupid camera mirrors would be easily visibly in these shots.

Thank God we finally turned the Gambon on that.

Yep. 30 - 40 mph of recharge - if you are not driving at the time.

That looks like a boat upside down on the roof.

You can get roll-up 11kW solar arrays.

The bean-counters took over because Nissan was tanking, financially.

Tesla even told everyone that they weren’t doing production prototyping.

BMW didn’t. Not til *after* they had an EV in the market.

It was done fairly often. The Grand Touring Mini and the GTM Rossa both did it. The MG-F and MG-TF might have done it.

They could. Other manufacturers do.
They don’t.

“As Tesla now likes to remind us

A geographic blink of an eye” Itym “geologic”.