“I’m not so sure I really think a bulletproof truck is that important. And, if it is to you, maybe you should consider other things about your life situation”
“I’m not so sure I really think a bulletproof truck is that important. And, if it is to you, maybe you should consider other things about your life situation”
True, Greenhouse is more than just CO2.
It’s about 55% CO2, a quarter freons, 1/6 methane and 1/16th NOx.
Sate Ann: “Why are you only comparing cost?”
Riggald: [long answer on coverage, outcome and cost]
Sate Ann: “I wasn’t referring to costs.”
A large proportion of US herion abuse is kicked off by overuse of prescription opioid drugs. Which are much more addictive than they were made out to be by the manufacturers, and then by the doctors that the drug companies had persuaded to belive that the drugs were not addictive.
I listened to “The Disconnection” on repeat for months.
California pushed Hydrogen as the way forward for decades. They now have 19 filling stations, if that.
Of course, the point of EVs is to save on CO2 emissions, with $ savings as an incidental.
“Is there a way to calculate how much taking a vanpool helps?”
Well, yes. Let’s assume you’re getting 25mpg, and so is the van you’re pooling in. That’s 350g CO2/mile. Over a year, that’s 48 working 5-day weeks, 75 miles a day. That’s 18,000 miles a year, or 6.3 tonnes a year.
If there are 7 other people, and let’s…
55 tonnes!?! Wow - that’s almost 10 times as bad as the average Brit.
“So I ask again, is there a reason to bring it up when no issues were found?”
Elon Musk on Aug. 1, 2018: “In the second half of 2018, we expect, for the first time in our history, to become both sustainably profitable and cash-flow positive.”
Partly, Westerners focus on the polities in which they have direct influence - ie where they vote, and where they can lobby legislators.
“Elon Musk admits Tesla won’t be profitable in the first quarter
Feb 28th, 2019
“Which begs the question why you are even bringing it up in the first place...”
Why, in a thread on questionable accounting practices, did I bring up the CFO literally being brought in for questioning by the authorities on his accounting practices?
Gee, idk.
“Compared to other automakers who count it as profit even if it is just sitting on dealers lot. How is that for “creative accounting”.”
“PS They did not lose 3k for every vehicle sold in 2019.”
1) “When your economy and population are growing, so are your net greenhouse gas emissions”
2) “The UK has seen about 10.5% population growth in the past 30 years. The US has seen a 33% increase. And the US has seen roughly double the GDP growth since 1990 as the UK.”
“Even doing the possible would be a great start for the USA.”
“Even doing the possible would be a great start for the USA.”
“universal coverage, increased life expectancy *and* much lower costs.”
“Why are you only comparing cost?”
I’m pretty sure I compared coverage level, outcome and cost in that sentence.