It fits neatly into stories we like to tell about people (usually women) being dumb for enjoying stylish clothes.
It fits neatly into stories we like to tell about people (usually women) being dumb for enjoying stylish clothes.
My brother-in-law is a professional welder, and even he doesn’t own any equipment!
I prefer clips. But this one looks uncomfortable to use. And a tool that is uncomfortable to use will most likely end up in the junk drawer.
“Bend and cut the rod into the clip shape needed, then weld the ends of the rod onto the Leatherman on the open side.”
This makes it sound as easy as some of those 30 second snips on HGTV that show people creating a complete paved patio in just a few minutes. :)
you can buy a pocket clip made for the Leatherman, I have the specific model in the video and bought my clip for around 4$. Plus it comes with a lanyard ring if you want to switch to a pack-carry config.…
Jez karaoke party.
Torch I would star this 1000 times if possible. I love the Shuttle/Buran comparison and debate that always springs from it.
Great job here...we need more of this.
For some reason, my social media feeds lately have been filled with images of “Russia’s secret space shuttles” that…
By far the best batsuit I’ve ever seen. This guy puts Hollywood to shame!
He is the goddamn Batman.
Damn, that looks better than most movie costumes. Seriously, this is really impressive.
She must be angry about only making 70% as much energon as Brutacus or Devastator.
My kingdom for a link.
Looks badass, but now I am expecting a magazine parody called Victorion’s Secret. :p
No trigger-penis, no deal.
My thought, too, mattjones08.
I like this: "Don't just complain about the top five, let us know what your preferred alternative is—and make your case for it"
Thanks a lot, I now need this damn movie, and I will never have it. DAMN IT ALL.
If Lucas had made ep VII Greedo would have still been alive, and the whole movie would be cgi shots of Greedo hanging out with Boba Fett and maybe that weird guy with the headtail who was Jabba's bff. It'd be like the hangover, but in space.