@dsoria1: I'll try, I really will. But I will say marriage is not exclusively a religious ceremony. from there I will shut up and try my best to keep an open mind.
@dsoria1: I'll try, I really will. But I will say marriage is not exclusively a religious ceremony. from there I will shut up and try my best to keep an open mind.
@Oldboy26: I agree with what you say about there being the same dangers offline as online, but that is just another reason not to take down what defenses we have.
@Sébastien Noll: What possible gain is there for not being anonymous aside from discouraging bad behavior online?
@dsoria1: that is true, I am sorry if you felt I was being too generic. You are right that its not fair to lump everyone who is conservative and has a gun and label them as dangerous.
@Oldboy26: It is all well and good to say that real names will make people think twice about saying ignorant or purposefully hurtful things. (I disagree personally, but for the sake of argument)
@ImmaLion: WTF dude?!
@TheGreenMan: thanks, its about the same as going to any of the state colleges around here.
@Krakenstein: Let's see...
@tummytempter: Yeah my plan is to be working non-stop. School projects will get first priority, but I already have several solo projects planned out, and some well underway. I do lots of tutorials , read lots of theory and mostly just experiment by making my own stuff all the time.
Somehow I missed the release, going to buy right now.
@TheGreenMan: I'm going to Digipen this fall, but up until now I've been mostly self taught with a few community college classes thrown in.
@LoganR: Your guess would be slightly wrong, is digipen.
@PunkyChipsAhoy: What sort of random work would you make him do in the intermediary period between payments?
Well right now it looks like I'm gonna be paying about 80 thousand for tuition. Although there's not necessarily a guarantee of employment in the industry.
During their crime spree the kids also sprayed graffiti about the neighborhood
@genkainashi: I guess I did misunderstand you. I think actually we are in agreement.
@Thoraxe the Impaler: Access to whatever they please on your terms under your conditions does not seem detrimental to your child's development to me. I mean sure if we are talking hard-core pornography or senseless violence I think even idiot would know that a child or young adult has nothing to learn from those…
@LucasReis - LOCK2K: I have two and 1/2 year old and one of the things that keeps me coming back here time and again is Crecente and Bash telling their gamer parenting stories. There isn't really another place where that sort of lifestyle is featured so prevalently.
@ComradeClassen: I agree I like the point allowance idea as well.