
Filibuster-proof from when Franken was finally sworn in and before Ted Kennedy died so Filibuster-proof for like seven moths? Wow I’m truly surprised he didn’t get everything done with a legislative body that works on average 142 days a year. Do yourself a favor and study the financial collapse of 2008 again and then

“Got screwed by Obama.” I’m just guessing you are ignoring the fact the Obama’s policies faced the highest level of obstruction recorded in our country’s history. When Truman banged his cudgel against the “do nothing congress” of the forties, that congress still did more than the 113th congress aka Tea Party Wave. Get

Thought. Let’s say for a moment GSP wins and then officially and forever retires causing a vacation of the belt. Shouldn’t the first thing the UFC do if PPV draws are top priority organize a grand-prix style tournament for the middleweight division?

I love the M. Night Shamalskdjdsfkman twist at the end, Tom.

The biggest problem in Denver is the Offensive Line not the QB.

I always preferred the sound of the steel cage/hell in a cell being ringed(?) by a body more than the canvas.

The only difference between a religion and a cult is the size of the congregation.

That episode scarred the shit out of me when I was a kid. I skipped on my re-watch a couple years back out of fear of being a grown man with a nightlight.

I live in Wyoming. 1 out of 5 stars.

More to the point that they cover CRITICAL thinking as a way to live.

No Nicole Bass profile????!!!!

Read some Boston blogs last night saying Danny should trade Bradley and the Brooklyn 2018 pick (potential first pick!!) for Paul George. I think that puts Boston back into the Conference Finals conversation if the Indiana front office was stupid enough to make that trade.

My Wife buys nothing but Quilted Northern. I used to think as you did, but much like heat and electricity I will never go back. My butt deserves Quilted Northern.

With all the shenanigans RAPE at Baylor.

Great handle!

Scrolled down to say this.

Ocarina of Time is GOAT.

My buddy and I have a theory that Rob Gronkowski and Gronk are two people trapped in the same body Bruce Banner/Hulk style.

Great joke. Under starred.

Steve Bannon looks like most 2002-2005 attempted child molesters uncovered by Chris Hansen on To Catch a Predator.