
I just can’t agree with this part:

The difference being she’s getting paid while the passengers are paying for the experience of not getting to their destination on time.

I took ibuprofen for a few weeks and warm up and haven’t had a problem since.

I don’t agree with the content of his speech, but I do understand his reaction to the suspension. The term ‘fag’ is widely used as a general insult and often-times when it’s used, it’s not targeting that specific group of people. To receive a suspension under the guise of “it’s homophobic” seems misleading, but at the

Weird, I would assume that most cable-cutters own HD antennas, but maybe not (I do)?

Lmao at the triggered replies to you.

Cowardly fat-ass and chickenhawk in chief Trump abuses American servicemen as props to cover for his failed presidency.

Damn. They just took Jameis’s job without his consent. How awful.

Boston’s version of Peter Parker, over here, almost stopped the bat with the beer web. 

Unfortunately you were 10 minutes late on this joke....  

At the moment, he toils for free.

Think about that poor mother and her 12 year old daughter. Imagine being her husband and the father of that child. You look forward every day to spending time with them when you get home from work and out of the blue you get a call that some loser destroyed them and took them away from you forever. You don’t even get

Thanks!  I also speak jive.

How much have you spent?

As much as I want to be like “Well, that’s crowdfunding.” the fact of the matter is the Star Citizen shitshow is so far outside the norm... They’ve basically raised enough money for an ACTUAL SPACE MISSION, and it has exactly zero chance of ever yielding anything like what they promised, and a very slim chance of

That’s some bad bull.

These are the sounds of fascism and the death of our democracy. Anyone who supports the snatching of children from refugee families is a monster.

The restaurant says they were closed, but the women say the restaurant was open because people were still dining. Anyone who’s worked service knows a closed restaurant often has people in it well beyond the official closing time, and while the public may still be inside, no one new gets to come in.

Kingkiller Chronicles not good enough for You? Or Broken Empire? I’m not sure what else you could be looking for in fantasy. Brett’s Demon Cycle? Probably not. Ryan’s Ravens Shadow series? I’m just thinking of current series worth reading. But Lawrence and Rothfus I consider to be great writers.