
Just saw a great one, it burned bright blue across the Northern horizon and then 'evaporated' leaving behind a small haze as a reminder.

Well even in the UK we have a similar problem, and we're meant to be socialists.

@Segador: Well you you would think they would let phones into the building so that they can do their jobs.

It's nice to see Sagitarius A* shown up by radiowaves, that sneaky little bastard

@red_alert360: Well do you see any gamegears lying around? No, because melty future gameboy killed them all

@Wondertwinz: Sent back in time to kill the Sega gamegear?

The Nazi's were well known for doping kindles all over europe filled with the worst kind of propaganda.

Hats, gloves, scarves and whatever to this guy.

Fanboy controversy on Gizmodo! Holy smokes, to the nerd-rage mobile!

@PopandLocke: Ok, I just went on their website and the little girl scares the...something vital...out of me.

@PopandLocke: Getting fermented/pickled cabbage when you asked for sub-standard mechanically recovered meat in the shape of a tube must be quite traumatic.

@weatherman: I personaly make an orgasmic cup of Coffee, but the majority of the population uses....instant....nuff said

@OCEntertainment: Yes, it's the Sun, they appeal to the lowest common denominator

@weatherman: Oh yeah, our shitty democracy prevents free speech completely, it's like China over here! Not to mention our sucky world domination really makes us look bad. Why the hell did we give up India anyway?

@phunnyballs: Besides the office has set comedy back 100 years for us, the American version was funnier (probably because of Steve Carell), and don't get me started on Ricky Gervais....

@phunnyballs: Well if we all believed what we saw on TV was true for the whole population we'd be watching Fox news.

Can I point out that the Sun is the most 'popular' newspaper in the UK, and is owned by the one and only Rupert Murdoch. The type of paper that dictates who wins elections.

@LilCheez: Seriously, where do you get that from, the Simpsons, the second world war?

Yeah yeah, that monkey looks so desperately sad.... Anyway it's precisely this kind of research that's going to DRAMATICALLY improve prosthetics, which currently rely on muscle twitches in the upper arm (not an ideal solution at all).