
My late nomination: the 1953 War of the Worlds. My god, at less that 90 minutes long, the flick hits the ground running and doesn’t let up till the ending. The ancient special F/X even hold up well (great example: the disintegrated Army officer turned to a skeleton first). Compared to Spielberg’s bloated version, the

friends who are vegetarian for ethical reasons are fine with eating meatless products cooked on/in the same surface as meat.

Hello! UK reader married to a vegan, here. Ultimately people like me are the target market for stuff like this. I know - many of us know - we *have* to reduce our meat consumption. We’re the floating voters. My diet is broadly vegetarian, I know I should do more, and meat-eating is typically reserved for takeout and

In terms of who this is for, several of my friends who are vegetarian for ethical reasons are fine with eating meatless products cooked on/in the same surface as meat. Unless you’re super strict about it (and yes, many vegetarians/vegans are) it’s not an issue. And, anecdotally, these folks are super stoked to eat KFC

35 slideshows on Lifehacker no one will click through this year....

“the “mandate” portion is starting to rub me the wrong way.”

Can we just please be done with mask mandates?

Instead of a virus, picture them as terrorists looking for places to hide. Would you stop locking your doors if terrorists were hiding in homes and cars and killing 1000 people a day? Would you object to a no-unlocked-doors mandate?

either shave or realize that you’re prioritizing facial hair over the health of you and everyone around you. There are full head respirators, but doubtful many are going to use those. Its not just idle internet talk here, I shave a bit more than I would like in order to increase the efficacy of my masking. 

The thing

A sixth Ice Age movie. Be still my heart.

KFC in Japan is nothing like it is in the US. I was there for Christmas just before the pandemic, and we had KFC on Christmas day. Much better than the US version. In general, the fast food and convenience food in Japan is much better that the U.S. equivalents. For example, 7-11... in the U.S., I won’t touch the

I’m curious to see how they handle scaled resolutions considering the different menu options and number of icons some users have on the bar. There’s already an issue with menu items not being visible because of the notch which I’m sure they’ll fix at some point. Looks to be more from the Apple side of things than

On a laptop, I’d rather have bezel to house the camera. I get that you want to maximize the screen real estate as much as possible but a notch on a laptop screen is a pretty idiotic idea.

wtf, no

wtf, no

I'm convinced Sony doesn’t understand humor. Or marketing (DBrand face plates).

Americans will buy literally anything, it’s astonishing.

Most even moderately successful bands don’t post their music to Bandcamp, so... not even a remotely helpful tip. But you knew that already.

I feel like such a tiresome, old, shoestring-pulling bore when I type this.

No, don’t start or encouraging this. I work at  a business that develops software for iOS and macOS. and the amount of people ignoring work related texts is astounding!

I really don’t understand what the big deal is. We can turn off individual sounds, or set the whole phone on silent, or vibrate. We can also turn the phone on its face if we’re really distracted by the screen. And we also have DND.