Rickon a/k/a Chekov's Stark

I think it’s amazing these people live in such a bubble that they don’t even think twice about being openly racist in this situation. “Sure, we don’t have any black people in our town, and we want to keep it that way. Oh yeah...um...think the Bible says something about it? Doesn’t really matter, no black people,

What a spit in the face to the troops. Dozens of brave soldiers made it their duty to testify against and prosecute this evil fucker, and President Trump just flushed their hard work down the toilet.

load those kindness guns with love bullets, boys. we’re about to get into some compassionate combat.

Oh, no. You also have to look at consistency and positioning.

Wow. It’s almost like these guys are fascists or something.

Meatdaggering booties? LOl... I have no words.

No, actually this happens EVERY.SINGLE.DAY in every industry. But since 2016, whites don’t have to try to be their best selves...the President shows them that there are virtually no consequences for racism EVERYDAY. Don’t think for one second that this tenor doesn’t trickle down through every interview and HR office!

“I’m a Christian and my Christian beliefs are you don’t do interracial marriage.”

Gizmodo has a theory as to why and was referencing this . OLEDs are probably best quality most would ever see it in, but the episode was likely mastered using a five figure reference monitor that can see details most would never see even in near pitch black conditions, The shows creators probably should have watched

This is the first step in the big reveal that GOT takes place in modern times at a mental health facility. Theyre gonna St. Elsewhere this whole thing. 

I mean they don’t say how much time has elapsed, but maybe they were able to get things back to normal while building the pyres. Hell maybe they used to trench woods to build the pyres.

a nondescript coffee cup

The endgame is nothing more than continued profits for Halliburton, Boeing, GE, Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, Northrup Grumman, BAE, United Technologies, Harris, L-3, General Dynamics, Dyncorp, General Atomics, Leonardo DRS, Cobham, Cubic Corp., Sierra Nevada, SAIC, Honeywell, Leidos, Huntinton Ingalls, and about a

8) they're Muslim, 9) we're still mad about the Shah. 

“Trump is throwing everything at the wall to see what sticks”

1) Oil reserves that could be controlled by the Saud family now that their supply is starting to dwindle, 2) The Sauds want the territory, 3) Israel wants the war, 4) appeals to a racist base, 5) wartime presidents are almost always reelected.

I don’t understand the War Boner for Iran.

Good point & reminded me to add in a bit from the WSJ that seems to suggest this. Thanks!