
My Safeway app is good for this. I just go online and pick the coupons for stuff I buy anyways, and it all gets unloaded when I enter in my phone number at checkout. I’ve tried to play the paper coupon game before, but I save a lot more money with this new method.

Being able to look at a recipe and say “That’s perfect!” is the best possible place to start. Honestly, that’s how I do my weekly meal prep - it’s easier (and cheaper) to look and see what’s on sale, and then thumb through the collection or internet than it is to say “i want to have (x) this week” and end up paying

This is exactly what I do! I have huge jar that I cash in every November/early December, and take it to Coinstar for an Amazon gift certificate. I use cash a lot, so I end up with around $400 each year.

Yep. There’s a reason I don’t plan to live any longer than 74 years or the first sign of Alzheimers, whichever comes first. Got 46 years to go!

I give free cryotherapy to friends/family in the form of my icy, cold-as-the-touch-of-death hands. It is fun to sneak up on people, then lightly poke them in a warm spot—like the back of the neck—and watch them twitch and flail.

Everyone knows you need to cut it at exactly 74.201938 degrees on a left hand bias to get that flavor. I mean, next you're going to tell me that you don't know how to make carrots taste like chocolate.

I’ve got a friend who’s got one that talks to you! In Korean, with no option for Mandarin or Japanese let alone English, but it still talks!

You can change the tunes on them. I never have just because “Twinkle” is so gloriously irrelevant to the process of cooking rice.

I have several friends that remove their wallets / phones when they come over to hang out. There have been numerous times when we have to do a scavenger hunt for their stuff when they’re getting ready to leave.

This happened to my parents as well. We got denied all tuition help for similar reasons while friends of mine who were more well off got help. BS. This was years ago. My favorite is now the alumni association is always asking me for money and I love turning them down.

Probably really good at first, then it just sours and gets bitter over time.

Bake ‘em Danno!

Ya hear that tomato, you’re past your prime.

I might be the last person on earth who knows and cares the jars of little red peppers say “pimiento.”

And use some cream cheese and sour cream for the ultimate, yet heart stopping, mashers!

We never heat the butter or the milk when we make mashed potatoes. I can’t see how that’d be necessary if your potatoes are hot when you mash them. We just add the cold butter, mix with our hand mixer a bit to loosen them up and then start adding milk until desired consistency. The mash is always still plenty hot when

For smoking, get a BBQ Guru temperature control system. You can set it at 225 degrees (or whatever temp) and forget it. It works with kettle grills, smokers, BGE's, whatever. I think their cheapest unit is around $140 now. Seriously, that's the number one best tip far and away for smoking.

If anyone's itching to play an updated version of this game, check this out- http://forums.civfanatics.com/forumdisplay.p…

It's a mod for the very lackluster Civ4 Colonization game, which turns what was a steaming pile of horsepoop of a reboot into an amazing experience, worthy of the original Colonization. It's also