
I also use one with a fan. I think it cost $25 and has been going for years.

I also use one with a fan. I think it cost $25 and has been going for years.

Last spring we used part of our savings and paid off our mortgage. Since then we’ve kept “paying” the mortgage, it’s just going back into savings.

How would that handle multiple lists? I would think that putting everything into Echo’s one list at the start would prevent me from adding to groceries and Costco and the liquor store lists.

How about lists? I currently use Out of Milk for shopping lists but, last time I checked, there was no Echo skill for this. So, I’ve started using OurGroceries to see if I like the app.


If you’re like me, you probably earned it.

I used the Seven Step Method:

Slow down, slow down. I’m making notes....

I just tried it with my Galaxy S7. It shows my SD card (after I applied the app’s pending update - duh!) and updated my preferences with no problems.

Meanwhile, I’m sitting here in my cube reading your comment going “Cacophiny? What is that? I’m a Georgia boy and child-of-the-South and I’ve never heard of that and...oh, dammit.”

I was at their store this weekend. I was bummed to find out they didn’t do their mix-and-match votive box any more.

I was at their store this weekend. I was bummed to find out they didn’t do their mix-and-match votive box any more.

Wow. Where do you live?

Yep, the username checks out.

I bought from Amazon this year and it was discussed on the purchase screen. I haven’t installed the software to check, but I’m expecting it to:

I bought from Amazon this year and it was discussed on the purchase screen. I haven’t installed the software to

It’s European beer and therefore sold in metric six-packs.

I used TurboTax since it came out but I went to H&R Block after the TurboTax money grab a couple years ago. Like TurboTax it’s always on sale somewhere and it’s part of Amazon refund-plus10%-in-gift-cards program (I don’t remember what it’s actually called).

I used TurboTax since it came out but I went to H&R Block after the TurboTax money grab a couple years ago. Like

“Look, a manhole. Open it up; we need to take a sounding.”

Checked with Wifey. She confirmed that I can’t have a “thermite bomb”.

I live in Georgia so termites are everywhere. Mortgage companies require a termite bond on homes because they are so prevalent.

When Wifey hears me grumbling and carefully removing the skillets-of-smoking-death, she always asks “Did you mean to do that?”