
*looks at picture of slow, miserable death*

Have you tried chewing gum or yawning?

Or you could heat up a couple cans of Hormel Chili, grab a six-pack of Budweiser and chow down.

I find that if I think of these articles as purely “can it be done?” and not “is this the best way to cook X?” they make more sense.

Previous TrippLite products had a mute button also. When the power went off and the alarm sounded, you had to push the mute button to silence it. When the power was restored, the mute went away, so the next time you lost power you had to do it again. Not too bad if you’re sitting nearby, but if you have several UPS

Previous TrippLite products had a mute button also. When the power went off and the alarm sounded, you had to push

I’m with you. They could have used any address and the movie would have been the same.

Yep — I bought two Cyberpower models since they offered this feature.

Yep — I bought two Cyberpower models since they offered this feature.

The most important feature for me, after the capacity, is if the damn “Hey! The power is off!” beeping can be turned off.

The most important feature for me, after the capacity, is if the damn “Hey! The power is off!” beeping can be turned

And THIS is why Chuck E Cheese had to hire security guards....

I don’t know, my Geocities pages still seems to be working. At least, nobody’s MySpaced me about any problems.

“The Easy, Easy Way to Quickly Make Your First Million”, read by Bob Dylan

Totally tubular! I’ll be checking that bad boy out later.

I had been the same way for years. Wachovia had a ton of possible fees but my balance meant I didn’t have to pay any of them.

Ah, but I am a parent. 2 sons. Doesn’t mean I want to sit in a restaurant full of children if it can be avoided. The odds of one of them having a really bad day, full-speed restaurant run-around, or food-throwing contest goes way up when several are around.

Also known as the ‘Nights to Avoid’ list.

whacked the yellow jacket nest with a poll.

Man they hit hard.

Last year I hit an underground yellow jacket nest while mowing my lawn. I got stung on the forearm and, before I could do anything, twice on the leg. I let go of the mower and was off to the races.

I was behind a septic truck in traffic last night and I remembered/laughed about this post - 8 weeks later.

When sous vide goes wrong....