
Yahoo provides email services for a ton of companies. For example, my AT&T email is handled by Yahoo.

I bought a three-pack of these last month for my kitchen. They’re pliable rubber and work on the tile. Hard rubber ones won’t grip and the doors just pushed them around.

I bought a three-pack of these last month for my kitchen. They’re pliable rubber and work on the tile. Hard rubber

the idea that middle-class consumers would be printing household items was always way far-fetched.

Really? I have learned something new today. Thanks.

I like rum with either coke or diet coke. It’s a safe my-mind-went-blank-and-the-bartender-is-looking-at-me order. I think you can taste the rum better with diet coke so I tend to use that if I’m having an unusual rum. Ymmv.

Note that I starred you. I believe in supporting the unfortunate, like gin drinkers. :-)

video of my dog playing with a tennis ball as sexually explicit,

I had it a little too warm one time and it really woke my ass up.

I have some flavored Cruzan rums - coconut, etc - for tropical drinks. Never tried their blackstrap. *makes note*

Every so often, the world produces a person willing to rise above the rest and take on the burdens of other men. I am that person. *wipes tear from eye, overcome by my own selflessness*

Excellent. I saw that in the liquor store when I bought the Bermuda Black. I’ll give that a try when the Bermuda is gone (so, tomorrow...)

Nice. I’ve added this to my shopping list.

It seems that, with all the opening/squishing the bag every few minutes, cooking eggs this way is more work than scrambling in a pan.

Well, according to the newly completed Interdepartmental Electronic Eavesdropping Prevention Feasibility Study of 2012, they’re about to open up for contractor bids and hope to have a system in place by 2022. The initial budget is earmarked at $5.7 million, with annual 10% increases as supply costs rise.

One of the big benefits of the past few years is the rise of cross-platform apps that sync seamlessly. I used to - dating myself - use a Daytimer (suit pocket size) when I was travelling, had a larger desk system for the office, and something else for my house. I was always moving stuff between them.

I refilled it with mouthwash...

I refilled it with mouthwash...

My wife is the same way. I don’t expect her to do this; it’s not her ‘style’, for lack of a better word.

No cheese in an omelet?

I’m confused. Are you driving the Ferrari? Or are you working a corner with some other hookers when a potential john loses control of his wheels and runs you down?

Everyone says the most likely cause of my death is my wife. And that I probably deserved it.