
I didn't realize how bad it was until I got mine. It's really bad. I have only made a 2 calls so far and both have been dropped. I live in Iowa and at my house the signal is not the best to begin with either. Haven't really venture out much since I got it since I've been so busy. The biggest annoyance is using the

On the bright side of this crap, this gives us control to shut the signal off our phones whenever we want. The annoying ex or relative calls and just won't shut up. Hold your hand on the phone just right so it starts to cut out and then drops the call. Now you got an excuse to get off the phone without looking like

I'm sorry to hear that a phone that looked like a pack of birth control pills didn't work out.

I picked mine up at AT&T yesterday and the guy at the store was saying they had a second shipment what was arriving that day at noon as well. Not sure if by shipment he just meant "AT&T horded a bunch for a week later and some more are being delivered to that store" or what. and I got an email yesterday after I got my

@CaptainJack: Ahhhh gotcha. I just got the phone this morning so it's still new to me. Didn't even think about that aspect.

I just picked up my iPhone4 today from AT&T. I was able to recreate the problem when I go out of my way to try it but I have not had a single issue of covering that area without trying to. I'm right handed so maybe that is it. I can see it being a problem if you are left handed though.

I wonder how they will go about billing for this. I don't have an iPhone 4 so I am not 100% sure how the FaceTime works or whatever so maybe that is a dumb question.

facetime is stupid in my opinion. Usually the reason I'm talking to someone on the phone it's because I didn't want to see the person to begin with or I would have just had them come over so I could talk to them and see them at the same time.

@Izual: is that David Cross?

also just wanted to add. i would still say that it showed its durability considering how many times it was dropped before cracking. lets not forget, its still covered in glass/plastic.. it took quiet a few good hits with no problems... its more durable not unbreakable.

...And people are amazed that dropping a piece of electronic equipment over and over will eventually break it?

i have a similar experience with them. My iPhone 3G stopped working a week ago. i was going to get the evo and change to sprint but decided i wanted the new iPhone4 instead. my current iphone now shuts off at the apple logo no matter what, cant even get it to stay on to let itunes recognize it. (its never been

AT&T removed my ability to upgrade early all together. I was set for November but was allowed early for the past week to upgrade. Now it advises me I am not elligible for an upgrade when for the past week it had showed that I was open to discounted hardware with a new 2 year contract upgrade.I was kind of double

I've just been trying to make a payment on my current bill that is due tomarrow for the past 5 hours with no luck. Another reason for me to be glad to get rid of AT&T

I didn't care for this gaming gimick with the Wii, so don't care about it with the 360 nor the PS3.

I dunno. Maybe I'm the only one who cares but all this crap they are wanting to do to revamp the 360.. But still no Blu Ray player even as an optional add on like they did with the HDDVD Drive. That would be nice. I guess.

My 3G works just fine here in Des Moines,IA. Unless they got the crap cleared up already and I am just late at posting

I hope their lasers work better then their website does.