Disabled Train

Yeah, I mean this makes sense if you’re guarding an office building, but I’m not sure how Customs and Border Protection is supposed to know the identities of the 7.4 billion people that inhabit the earth, or even just the 68 million or so that visit the U.S. every year. The beat they can do at the entry points is

I think he was implying that if someone is determining whether a gun would make their home safer or less safe, the appropriate number to consider is the rate of gun deaths not including suicide. Unless of course, a person prone to suicide lives in the household. But for most households, the number of accidental

And, just to add to this, it’s not as though a check is being cut here. This is the cost “allocated” to an individual candidate. The agents assigned to Bernie would still be employed and paid by the Secret Service even if he had dropped out months ago.

Guy here. Is this what’s considered “kind of cute”? If so, I’ve been doing all wrong.

Asking purely because I don’t know: Is there any reason outside of her statements to think her allegations are true, e.g. past behavior suggesting he is a predator/rapist? I’ve only been following since Friday, so perhaps I’m uninformed on something, but these stories that have been posted here seem to assume the

This is a civil contract case, so if she could prove the rape “more likely than not” occurred, her breach would likely be excused. Less than a conviction requires.

Let’s not make this anything more than it is. This was a contract case. The law has always respected contracts, and for a good reason. Kesha was asking for the court to allow her to breach. But she was asking based on a claim that hasn’t been proven and it disputed by the other side. Should it be so easy to breech a