
Quite a Recovery
This was quite a few steps up from WOLVERINE and THE LAST STAND, and was probably the best of the series since the first one, way back when there wasn't a formula for summertime superhero movies and they thus felt free to have ideas and character drive the plot rather than setpieces.

A welcome return
Until this episode aired last night I hadn't seen a new episode of South Park in a couple years. While this one was a trifle, it was a fun trifle and it made me regret being out of the loop for so long. I had no idea that we'd met Ugly Bob and Scott the Dick before, and maybe not seeing them as

A welcome return
Until this episode aired last night I hadn't seen a new episode of South Park in a couple years. While this one was a trifle, it was a fun trifle and it made me regret being out of the loop for so long. I had no idea that we'd met Ugly Bob and Scott the Dick before, and maybe not seeing them as

Third-Episode Slump
I hadn't yet noticed this "third episode slump" that you've mentioned about the revival, but I'm certainly going to, like a dutiful geek, go back to episode lists and take a look.

Viral Sensation?
This is the first I've heard of Rebecca Black or of "Friday." This whole post is, to me, like a pronoun without any antecedent (or like jumping into LOST halfway through season six). Anyone care to fill me in on the backstory?

It's not just a critic's phenomenon…
I had, honestly, not even realized that I stopped watching it.

The Fall and Scott Pilgrim
I couldn't agree more, Tasha, on both counts. My roommate tried for a couple years to get me to watch it, so I'm one person you didn't have to convince.

Did anyone see Hathaway when she was doing Shakespeare in the Park a couple years back?

I was just John Q. Viewer, and I noticed it about thirty seconds in. I found it distracting more than anything—it took away from the humor of the rest of the episode. The jokes would have been funnier and the ending more powerful without it.

Two Cathedrals
I'm surprised that this episode—specifically Marshall's angry tirade at God—hasn't kicked up more discussion about THE WEST WING's "Two Cathedrals."

@I Am The Terror: …dary.

mrmarshall, not to sound like I'm just rehashing what's been said before, but if you haven't yet, you should check out an episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer called "The Body." It works as a standalone short film, so you don't really need any prior background to follow along. The episode explores the emotional

As someone who has dealt with a fair amount of death over the past few years, I didn't feel as though the fixation on last words rang false. Especially for someone who has been as comfortably ensconced in a family that is as steady and tight-knit as the Erickson clan, a blow like this is going to send someone like

I didn't know they had already cast Barney's dad. I was kind of holding out hope for James Sikking.

Um, rusty, the point of Anya's character was that she WAS both—starting with her asking Xander to prom in season three, she was someone who had spent over a thousand years observing human behavior as an outside observer but still had an emotionally immature reaction to living through it. She didn't know how to handle

I heard it similarly to the way it was stated above:

Loved It
So, so glad to have The Doctor back, and for the strongest Christmas special of the revival, at that!

My Belated Discoveries This Year
I also discovered Bittman's HOW TO COOK EVERYTHING, but I found it through its insanely under-priced iPhone app—it has all of the content in an extremely intuitive layout, plus includes built-in timers wherever recipes call for them. Strongly recommended.

Oh, if only…
The Spider-Man musical has been attacking people unchecked for months now. If only there were some kind of powerful masked adventurer capable of stopping it before it goes too far…

Eddie, the same thing could be said of any superhero film or action movie: "If the story is so weak you need to punch it up with a bunch of fights, chases and explosions, maybe just give it up."