
Fuck off with this horseshit.

He’s not an engineer, he’s not a scientist, he’s just a techbro who dropped out of grad school after three days to found a startup where he takes other people’s money and uses it to pay real engineers and real scientists to re-invent tunnels.

You know? I’m happy that EA were protective of the IP. Based on the freaking travesty that Hollywood did to The Dark Tower, Hitman, and most other recent adaptations that more or less take names- and then do something COMPLETELY different then the source- it’s good that EA stood for something at least once in their

lol its funny because Abrams likes lens flare and it is 2011 again

I think “we can’t change the animations; just the camera”, should give a good indication of how difficult it is. If the content was cut any time in development before it was 100% ready, I’m not really sure it’d be feasible to put back in.

Maybe its just me but I never noticed those booty shots until they were specifically pointed out to me over here which is really weird since I probably completed the trilogy like multiple times.

I never understood how people had trouble handling the Mako. You just aim in the direction you want to drive, it wasn’t that hard...

It’s funny, because those “monkeys” are actually pyjacks.

You know, the same animals where a side mission in ME2 has you blow them up with rockets (for no Renegade points).

That monkey was indoctrinated.

oh my god I just had a rush of emotion do you have a source for this gif