
Tesla’s performance is much less usable though, right? I mean you have to precondition a Model S’ battery for 45 minutes before you get to use Ludicrous Plus mode and it’ll only hit the hero number once. My impression is that VW Group EVs can generally replicate their numbers consistently and may experience slower

Okay I know someone always comes through with “bUT YoU DIdNt iNClUDE my FAvORITe RaNdOm WhATEVER” but seriously, how does this not include any Mazda Wankels or any Porsche flat sixes

I would argue that if there was ever a time for a middling team to stay in the sport, it’s right now. Cost caps (less outrageous price tags) + enormous reg changes (GRID SHAKEUP CHAOS!?) + Liberty / Netflix milking the F1 brand and drama for all it’s worth... time to get while the getting’s good