Ban such fans from games forever. People who think their souvenirs are more important than the play shouldn’t be allowed to attend a live game.
Ban such fans from games forever. People who think their souvenirs are more important than the play shouldn’t be allowed to attend a live game.
Everyone in that photo is called Joey. Including the ball.
Firstly, I am pulling you out of the grey because abuse from any side is just as wrong, but this conversation here is about abused women. By shifting it back to men, you are derailing.
This is so needed. The stigma in many of our families, churches, and neighborhoods are just.. silence. And the damage to black women - and kids - last a lifetime, if we even all survive.
To the men who may be reading, I would like for you to set your deflectors to “off,” your “whatabouts” to silent, and hit snooze on any bruised feelings. If you don’t hit or abuse women, you are simply complicit but still a generous share of this problem. I want to address you to save a few sisters some typing.
If you are of Race A and are magically just not attracted to that race - you’ve got issues. I mean I’ve heard plenty of people say it - and each time I’m amazed at how deep the self-hatred runs.
Say it again for the folk in the back.
And yet Becky McWhitetears will face no consequences from the university or police.
I’m not going to weigh in on the issue of intermarriage among black people (it is really not my place), but I can provide some perspective from my thoughts regarding a somewhat related area; Jewish intermarriage. I went to a college with a very high Jewish population, and as an (atheistic) Jew myself, I kept up…
But perhaps we should all stop giving a damn.
I pretty much lost interest in this article after the insinuation that people don’t consider Beyonce’ a genius. And what about Oprah? Are we going to pretend like we haven’t been worshiping Oprah as a genius for decades?
I caught up with Tarana Burke at the New York City Alliance Against Sexual Assault annual awards on Monday in New…
I mean, I teach an informal class ( in which I talk loudly and clap my hands) on Jazmine Sullivan being a genius songwriter and vocalist and one of the most important artists of our generation but...
I had no idea that James Baldwin was not considered a genius.
Wait, are people NOT saying Beyonce is a genius? I am a dumpy middle-aged white dude, I am essentially an anthropomorphic pair of Dockers, and even I think Beyonce is a genius.
When asked what he was doing, Green replied “What I always do. Just kickin’ it.”
disrupting the traditional huddle industry
Yet another intrusion of privacy by a Bay-area entity.
Hm, I’m neither rich nor white, and neither are most of my friends, and we smoke joints. Maybe cuz we’re mostly kinda Old?
“I can’t be angry,” Counts said or his accuser, who remains unnamed.“If I waste a minute being angry it’s a waste of time. That’s a minute I could have been happy.”